Side Effects Of Taking Dexilant Long Term?
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Does Dexilant keep my body from getting nutrients? Wondering if I need to supplement with something more than Magnesium. Also wondering what studies say about taking it for years? I have a hiatal hernia, so there is no relief in sight for me.
2 Replies
I have been on Dexilant for about 4 months now and my liver enzymes have gone up and I am itching. I stopped taking it 5 days ago. Does anyone know how long it takes to get out of your system? Thanks so much.
Hello, Sharon! How are you?
I've not seen any reports on that, so far, however I'll do some more searching and post back if I do find anything.
As to long-term use, yes, it does increase the risk of hip fractures. It seems that long-term use of all medications that the FDA classifies as proton pump inhibitors can do that. They may also cause side effects, such as nausea, flatulence and stomach pain.
How long have you been taking it? Usually, these are only used for a maximum of 16 weeks, before taking a break from them.
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