Side Effects Of Lansoprazole By Sandoz (Top voted first)


How long do the side effects (such as vomiting) last? My husband just started taking this drug and is feeling sick.

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Typically, according to the U.S. FDA, side effects may last about 4 to 5 weeks, until one becomes used to the medication. He may also experience dizziness, headache stomach pain, and flatulence.

How is he feeling, now? Has there been any change? Is he on any other medications?

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After only one tablet of Lansoprazole, within a half hour I experienced serious anaphylaxis. It took years for me to find out that Polyethylene Glycol which it contains is a laxative for someone with malabsorption problems; a definite no no. I check every medication for it now. Even Pfizer and Moderna vaccines contain it, so doctors wouldn't give me those. I had Astrazeneca without any problems.

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