Side Effects Of Flomax (Top voted first)


20 months ago, June 13, 2011, my husband went blind after taking Flomax for 30 days. He is just now getting some of his libido back. He still has frequent urination issues. His CRP was very high on June 13th but it has been close to normal for several months. The specialists says that his optic nerve is dead and he will never see again.

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After just 30 days of use?

Have they definitively attributed it to the Flomax?

Anyone curious can read more Flomax details here.

It's not that I don't believe you, I'd just like more precise details if you have them. There have been a lot of posts recently about vision problems arising from taking this medication and I'd like to know more to better advise future users.

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FYI.....this is odd. My husband had complications with cataract surgery, to which the Opthalmologist contributed it to ", used for prostate issues. He used to take Flomaxbut the doctor changed him to Jalen. I am wondering if the two medications have similar ingredients since they both effect the eyes? I think these medications should be in question for dispensing.

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How is your husband now? I have problem with side effects to, my libido doesnt exist. 2 years have passed after taking flomax...i am really depressed

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