Side Effects Of Redotex
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I have been taking redotex since 3 months, and the first 2 weeks 1 start to loose weight, approximatly in this 3 months i have been lost arround 20-22 pounds, I am not experienced any side effect, It works to me very good!!! Just that i feel my mouth very dry and i have to be drinking water, but not another thing..I think that is different in each person. But my question is that if this pill could affect me because i am trying to get pregnant..
3 Replies
I have ms and have gained weight due to v steroids so I started taking redotex....b my questing is will it flare up my ms or have any server outcomes? I Don't take any medication at all
I hope you could get pregnant after redotex, for me took several years to des intoxicate , very bad pills
Have you discussed this with your doctor?
I can tell you that it is probably not a good idea to use once you do get pregnant. The U.S. FDA banned this from being sold or imported here and for very good reason, it contains a dangerous mix of medications.
Redotex contains Amphetamines, Diazepam (a Benzodiazepine), depressants, laxatives, diuretics and thyroid hormones, though they don't say exactly what they all are. In some people it has caused severe psychiatric issues and death.
This combination could have serious detrimental effects, that may also include fertility issues, because if it dehydrates you or affects the balance of your thyroid hormones, both of these could create fertility problems.
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