Side Effects After Discontinuing Hyocyamine Er (Top voted first)


I have experienced atrial fibrillation after about one month of taking hyocyamine er for stomach issues. Dr. And I agreed to discontinue to determine if fib is actually from the drug or simply coincidental to taking it. What time frame would be necessary to ensure the drug is out of my system and no longer influencing my heart?

2 Replies

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Well, it has been known to cause arrhythmia as a side effect in some people.

Learn more Hyoscyamine details here.

You made your post a few weeks ago, how did things turn out? Did the A-fib stop? If so, how long did it take?

Has your doctor done any other testing.

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It did not stop after discontinuing. So now the dr. Has prescribed flecainide acetate. Just one week in to that but not noticing any difference yet. Hate to take drugs to counteract drugs but I guess since all did not correct after stopping hyoscyamine, that something else is going on. Timing just seems too coincidental though.

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