Shortage In Package
UpdatedI think I had a shortage in my box this month of fentanyl patches. Usually there are 5 per box. I started to change my patch this evening and I only had two in the package. There should had been 3. This is one of the few times that I didn't count my patches upon opening the box. I have a routine in the evenings when it is time for the change of the patch. So my husband and I spent time trying to construct my procedures for the last couple of changes trying to see if there was a possibility that I dropped one in the floor and it slid under something. Has anyone else had a problem with shortage of patches in your boxes?
3 Replies
I have been on fentyal pain patches I have constant pain the first month I had the 25mg now second month he put me on 50 mg this time there is a shortage I'm missing some I'm going through bad withdarwls I'm going in same I take a pain pill its not doing a thing I haven't slept in few day I do go back to see Dr June 29th but no pain patch in over a week I'm going nuts I've never had any withdarwls like this what are the symptom's please help I'm extremely tired
And I called the pharmacy they said my insurance wouldn't pay any more what are the symptoms I'm having can't sleep can't eat no appetite very nauseated feels like I forced to stay awake ugh god help me I got four more day until I see the Dr I can't take this crap of withdrawal s its been four days of hell
Hey all, Sorry to hear about your experiences with getting shorted on Fentanyl. That sounds to me like a major manufacturing problem that should be reported to the company who makes the Fentanyl. I'm not exactly sure what they could do for you, but perhaps just getting your voices heard will be enough to inform them that something needs to be addressed so it doesn't continue to happen.
It's a real shame that pharmacies don't allow patients the right to review the contents of their medication prior to paying for it. Blindly accepting whatever is in the trick or treat bag is kinda scary, especially after hearing about the types of mistakes that are being made not only by the manufacturers, but pharmacists too. The whole system seems pretty well rigged and set up for short term success/long term failure in my opinion.
Hope you're both able to manage your way through this obstacle. Just know that you're not alone!
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