Shortage Oxycodone (Top voted first)
UpdatedThis is freaking ridiculous!!! Last month it took 3 weeks to fill the RX and this month, it's going on another 3 weeks. Pretty soon I'm going to have multiple scripts that I won't be able to fill any of them! This is going to screw up my whole cycle. I'm suppose to be taking the oxy with methadone at the same time for my pain. Do you realize how much gas and time I've wasted in the past 3 weeks? I've gone to the same pharmacy every day, you mean to tell me that none of them has them for the past 3 weeks! I get bogus excuse every like, ohh we can't fill methadone with oxy, or you need to be in the same county as your doctor, you are out of your zip code, we can't fill that many pills, you have never filled at this location....blagh, blagh, blagh!!! Or they tell me they are out of stock and don't know when they will be getting any, this should be illegal!! does the DEA understand what might happen when someone goes without their medication. I want a DEA to get hurt on the job and forced to take these medication and then all of sudden not be able to get any because of 'shortages'. I'm sure they would like the withdrawls and there's even a possibility they would die. DO THEY UNDERSTAND THIS??? I can't fill my scripts until after the 28 day cycle, although they r they reason why I can't fill going on the 3rd week, now I have to wait 28 days before I can fill and my dr's apt is next week!!! WTF!?!??! I've spend so much gas money just driving around every wallgreens and cvs just for them to roll their eyes and tell me off the bat that they don't have any. I feel like suing someone! How can we bring attention to the cause. Does someone have to die from withdrawls and their family having to sue the state/pharmacies in order for someone to care?? do they realize how much stress and pain they are causing us? I can't afford to be wasting gas just to track these down. Seriously, I've gone every day, spending 3-5 hours driving to each pharmacy and I'm only limited to local pharmacies since I have to stay within my zip code, which is ridiculous!!! The pharmacy in Longwood won't accept me because she said I'm out of the zip code, I live in LONGWOOD, it's even on my driver's license, although I live on the other side of town but still!!! I'm just so pissed and sick and tired of the pharmacist treating me differently, like i'm such a bad person. I'm just a person with pain, if that makes me such a bad person then so be it.
I'm having a problem here in swfl. Port Charlotte. I got my prescription last wk and drove over 150 miles to about 30 pharmacys. Ive used Walgreens for over a yr and never had a problem. Ive been going to same pain mgt center for 2 yrs. When I went into Walgreens, the pharmacist told me shes not comfortable filling it, and they dont have them. Went to other Walgreens, they dont tale new patients and theyre out. Went to smaller pharmacies, they're not taking new patients amd dont have any. My God I'm far from a kid at 50, have never run out, take as prescribed amd I'm freaking out over what lies ahead with pain and w/d. It's awful for those that need it amd camt get it. My husband had a heart tranplant, is a disabled Vietnam vet amd I'm his caregiver. Can barely care for myself. I been taking 2 aday, bc I dont know what to do. I'm sick of having scripts thrown back at me like I'm a junkie criminal. Any suggestions or anything would be so appreciated. Thank you for letting me vent here, as I'm a private person and don't discuss things like this with people. God Bless
I feel your pain! My appointment was at 10am Monday 5/7/12. I requested this date off from work (as usual) and was not able to find them on the same day. I've been filling my prescriptions at Walgreens for about 2 years now. Typically, I would always get my medications filled on the same day - however, there are probably about 4 to 5 times where I was not able to, and then was able to fill at Walgreens the following day, usually right in the morning. Well, this month was different. I had to call out of work sick on Tuesday so I could go searching again...left my house about 7:30am (most Walgreens in Tampa, FL are open at 8am - besides the 24hour ones) and literally went to about 80% of all Walgreens in Tampa. By 11am, I didn't know where anymore Walgreens were and felt pretty discouraged. I always think that if you do not get your stuff filled by noon, you're pretty much SOL around here. People are unable to get their stuff on the same day as their appointments because they do not leave the doctor until about 11am-12pm and all the pharmacies are out ... and then the next day they are all up early in the morning to go out looking, and the cycle goes on and on. I did a night search around 6pm til midnight to see if maybe anyone got a luck. HAD to go back to work this morning and I was totally defeated - I was even thinking about going to a "mom & pop" place to pay cash - even though I have and pay for insurance thru my employer. Honestly, if I didn't just get a insurance settlement check from my car accident - I would NEVER be able to afford paying cash for these - but I was feeling pretty desperate. Anyway, I get a lunch break between 12-1pm and thought I'd try my main Walgreens on the way to my house...and wouldn't you know, I was able to fill and they were ready in 15 minutes. You just have to keep your head up and keep looking. This is the longest I've ever had to wait...and I was soooo tired of driving and walking into pharmacies JUST to be told they don't have them...all while in pain and feeling sick. It's terrible. I really hope you all have some better luck. My best advice to you, is to just keep looking. I hear every day from soooo many people that they either refuse to use Walgreens because they have to wait so long or that they've been holding onto their scripts for weeks! All I can say to that, is that you aren't looking hard enough. You have to KNOW that there IS a Walgreens that has your stuff, and you have to be smart about what time you go to certain ones - I have a whole route/plan/routine that I go by every month and that's why the longest I've waited (now) is 2 days. I know to A LOT of people that isn't long at all - but that's because I'm persistant and just keep looking until i DO find them. Happy searching!
Actually it is NOT illegal!! me and my husband both have been getting through the mail for past 6 months orso due to shortage- again! we have been thru afew shortage situations over taking these meds for about 8years now and wasnt going thru this again so we contacted our insurance company and they had doc fill out form and fax scripts monthly and meds come within 3-5days later thru medco mailing/online pharmacy. must have insurance to get thru them tho.
I don't know either. I emailed governer rick scott, but of course never heard a word. I also am in so much chronic pain, always bring meds with me to my dr appts, submit to monthly drug tests, and feel like a damn criminal when I try to fill 1 narcotic prescription. I'm also prescribed lyrica and flexeril for nerve pain and muscle spasms. I've never asked or wanted more than the oxycodone. It's the only med that helps me without making me sick to my stomach. I just started the opana yesterday, and I'm holding back from puking and have a wicked rash on my arms, legs and back. I know I'm having an allergic reaction to this poison. I did some research on it last night and all the junkies say they love it because it feels the most like heroin out of any of the opiates. Idk.. I've never done heroin, nor would I ever do it. When I was @ drs yesterday, I heard the dr say no more oxycodone prescriptions because I wasn't the only 1 waiting for another script. An older person couldn't fill either, and the pharmacy that ripped me off said the opana is hard to get too. I guess we're pretty much screwed. I plan on notifying my congressman, governer and the president too. What about terminally ill cancer patients? Are they to suffer their remaining days? I'm 50 something and the more I learn the less I understand any of this. I will go on my fb page, there's a lady on there who is fighting for pain patients rights. I will post her info when I'm feeling better. God bless
Hello, everyone. I am located near the Dade Broward line. None! Not one Walgreens as them. Oxycodone has helped me my entire life. After all, we are not in a third world country are we? I cannot travel to even try to fill the Rx. I am disabled for over thirty-five years. On the phone all the companies state there is no problem.
Hello, everyone. I am located near the Dade Broward line. None! Not one Walgreens has them. Oxycodone has helped me my entire life. After all, we are not in a third world country are we? I cannot travel to even try to fill the Rx. I am disabled for over thirty-five years. On the phone all the companies state there is no problem.
Did you have any luck? i am going through the same thing. i live near longwood and was going to try Longwood but Nevermind that. This is ridiculous.
omg I am going threw the same crap.3 weeks I have driven 22 miles everyday to find this medicine and still no luck. My husband was in a motor cycle and has terrible pain and now is going threw sweats, getting sick to his stomach. This is bull-crap. He has been on this for almost a year going to the same Dr and the same drug store and now there is nothing here in pasco county.
This is so crazy!!!! Thought the data nase n shutting of pill mills was going to male it better for legit pain pashants...its worse omg so much worse....i cant belive we cant fill legal perscriptions....the pain amd suffering the dea is causing is amazing....HOW DO WE BAN TOGETHER? HOW DO WE FIGHT THIS? HOW DO WE REGAIN THE RIGHT TO TAKE A COST AFFECTIVE MEDICINE THAT ACTUALLY WORKS!!! OXYS WORK GREAT...ITS A WONDER DRUG...I CANT MOVE MY NECK/HEAD WITHOUT MY MEDS....WHO DO WE COMPLAIN TO....HOW DO WE GET HERD BY OTHERS THAN US...
Hi Sam,
There are a number of legitimate online pharmacies based here in the U.S. that may be able to fill your prescription. This is usually the one of the best last resort options in my opinion, if you can't obtain anything locally or by traveling.
I would recommend checking with sites such as PharmacyChecker, as they only list certified (reputable) online pharmacies. Although I am pretty sure that those pharmacies would require a prescription because PharmacyChecker puts them through a rigorous certification process.
FDA - Buying Medicines and Medical Products Online;
Quick Tips for Buying Online:
* Make sure the site requires a prescription and has a pharmacist available for questions.
* Buy only from state-licensed pharmacies. The National Association of Boards of Pharmacies has more information about licensing and its program to certify online pharmacies.
* Don't provide personal information such as credit card numbers unless you are sure the site will protect them.
If you do end up using this method, please post back and keep us updated on whether or not you were able to acquire the meds you needed.
i am a chronic pain patient. just started going to my pain doctor in November 2011. i have a compressed lower spine due to spinal fluid leakage during an epidural which caused a lack of spinal fluid between 3 vertebrae, i also have 2 bulging discs just above my tailbone & my tailbone itself is pushed inward more than normal all of these cause constant chronic pain! i was filling my prescriptions thru CVSCaremark (mail-order) but almost 2mos ago i got a letter in the mail from them saying they were sorry but they were no longer carrying roxicodone so i signed up for another company based out of Spokane, Washington..everything seemed good until 3 1/2 wks later i received another letter stating that they were sorry but they are not filling prescriptions for florida at this time, that they were focusing on cali. (??!!) then i find out that if i enroll in blue cross & blue shields "ONE" program ($55. a month & prescriptions filled thru Walgreens mail order service) i would be able to send my scrip to Walgreens & it would take about 3-5 days instead of the 2wk wait i had with CVSCaremark!! sounds great huh?! WRONG!!!! i went to my pain doctor today and nonchalantly brought up that i hadnt been able to fill my scrip (which was also the reason i hadnt gone in 7wks, i had been tryn to find some where to fill them before wasting my time at the doctors) his response was: well i dont know whats going on "out there" but if u cant fill them this month, next month well try dilauid, i have tryd it before and it DOES NOT help my pain..i just feel slightly lightheaded and it makes me feel hung over and groggy the next day..but i cant very well say "well doc i couldnt fill my pain meds so i was buying different pain pills from people i know to be able to go to work or take care of my 3yr old, and thats how i know how dilauid affects me!!" i am at a loss!?!??! i have been basically bedridden for quite a while now except for the days i can get a few Vicodin (which i have to take 2 or 3 of), or percocet (same) & go to work. im truly at the end of my rope! idkwtf to do?? i am 27, dealing with chronic back pain and im being treated like a criminal or drug addict and its BULLS***!! so..the reason for posting this....i did some research and found out that the caring people at the DEA have ceased all delivery in fla for roxicodone/oxicodone they have pretty much shut down the factory/plant/whatever the hell it is based in northern fla..which supplies the pharmacies in Florida, Georgia, and South Carolina. so now that we know why we arent getting the pain meds we need to be (somewhat) normal, functioning adults WTF do we do about it????! and when are our doctors and pharmacies going to get with the program and do something about it?! they are there to do a service... to HELP people!!! im sorry but this infuriates me! i have been dealing with chronic pain since i was 21 my entire adult life thus far..i FINALLY get something that makes it to where i feel normal..happy.. PAIN FREE and they take it away ? just like that.. its NOT right!! i understand there are f***tards that have ruined it for those of us who need it..but WHY PUNISH THE PEOPLE IN PAIN???!! PUNISH THE A**HOLES THAT ARE SELLING THEM TO TEENAGERS OR DRUG ADDICTS!! **if anyone reads this and u are in west palm beach, fla PLEASE let me know if u find out any good news ty**
I waited 5 days and went to every Walgreens and cvs and independent pharmacys in a 40 mile radius. Yesterday, I went back to Walgreens that's been filling for me for almost a year. The pharmacist explained the situation. They have a quota of so many a month they're allowed to fill. They went over their quota, and hence not being able to fill presriptions. It was also explained cvs lost their distributor in fl bc they went over their quota. This pharmacist took the time to explain all of this to me. They don't have them. It also depends upon the Dr who wrote script. They will not put their licenses on the line for a Dr they aren't comfortable with. It's absolutely awful for those of us in severe pain are being punished. Finally went to a independent pharmacy, and had to have a non narcotic prescription to fill with it. I had one from my primary care Dr. It took my loved one pleading to get it filled. They're scared to fill, quotas, theft, all bc of junkies ruin it for people like us. This problem is only going to get worse, especially in fl. The only advice I have is, be polite, dress nicely and keep trying. I spent over 50 in gas and was out trying for 5 days, 6-8 hrs a day. Until these pill mills are shut down, and Drs start only prescribing to people with mri's with proof of problems, we will continue to pay and worry every month if we will get our meds. The worst part is, the thought of w/d. I can handle pain. I've never ran out of med so I don't know what it would feel like. Living in fear, being judged and this overall situation is deplorable. They need to weed out the bad Drs, pill seeking junkies, and somehow get this awful bs under control. God Bless.
I've had my oxycodone script since July 26th. After 3 years with cvs, with never ever having an issue filling every 30 days. Today being September 15th i have been without my med for 8 weeks now. I have been to 30 plus pharmacies. Either they say we don't get them after placing orders, we only fill for our customers..frustated, feeling horrible physically and mentally. It took 4 years for me to finally feel human again seeing a chiropractor, taking oxycodone, and methadone. Most pharmacies humiliate me by raising their voice to make it known I'm trying get to fill narcotics. I'm made to feel like I'm a criminal leaving each pharmacy....I am not a drug dealer or a drug addict. I'm a hard working citizen, single mom to a 4 year old. Needing my medication isn't a crime so why am I treated like I'm breaking the law.
Yes i believe we were talking earlier about the mailorder and my doctor in Lauderdale who has the insurance program well apparently the insurance is group insurance through United Health Care and it is like jackie said the largest pharmacy retailer prob in the u.s. MEDCO. I see they have one in port st. lucie but don't know if they are as laid back as the mail/order. Good luck and maybe you'll be able to stay with walgreens afterall.
I'm in trouble. Can't fill Roxy script. The small pharmacy I went to last month, won't fill this month. Some bs story that they don't have enough. I have 1 pill left. Already feeling sick, and I don't know what to do now. I only took 1 today and slept all day. I'm so upset, and scared. No pharmacy has med. Wth am I going to do? Any help/ suggestions. Im desperate now. Feeling w/d.
I too have been out of med for a wk now. Nothimg even given to wean off. Go to same dr, and was told he wont rewrite prescription. I've been so sick, I can barely get out of bed. I'm so pissed off @ the system, the dr, no one cares. The w/d are the worst. The pain is one thing. Ive given up looking, I don't have the strength to go out anymore. Been clean for a week, so I'm done playing this dangerous game. Even if I could fill them, next month another nightmare? I had trouble last month, I can't live this way. Thanks dea,and all the junkies who put legitimate chronic pain sufferers in this horrible situation.
Still couldn't fill roxycodone prescription. I brought script back to drs office and was given a script for opana 10mg, 150 for month. Pharmacy could only fill 90, so I had to lose 60 of them. This opana is awful, I'm so nauseous it's ridiculous. I'm lucky I can take 2 a day, they make me feel like crap. They're not cheap either. I was so annoyed that pharmacy pulled that bs on me. I was so sick and tired of driving around, it wasn't a hard decision. How's anyone elses luck with filling roxycodone? Peace.
I want to know what we can do about this.Yesterday my husband got his script, the same one hes been getting for over a yr now, and from the same Dr and we go into a wal-greens to fill them and guess what the pharmacist said this time? OMG your not going to believe this one! SHE said to my face I'm sorry I don't feel comfortable filling this script, I asked WHY? because of the Doctors script writing habits! I said WHAT?I told her its the same medicine hes been taking for over a yr from a pain management clinic. Where does one go for pain meds I ask her and what Doctors do you feel conferable filling from. SHE SAID oh I don't have a LIST! SO she just decides to play GOD and chooses not to fill my husbands medications because she personally didn't like his DOCTOR....WOW what the Hell is this coming to. This is the United States of America....I am calling a lawyer Monday and I'm going to try and sue Walgreens for discriminating . Oh ya they were filling the older peoples scripts.Please EVERYONE lets get together and sign a petition against wal-greens
PLEASE JUNEBUG, let me know of the person on FB who is fighting for pain patents so I can address her also. Thank -you UntaimedspiritL
yeah gotta love the new commercial w3here the walgreen pharmacist gose out nof thier way to help you what a f&^%king joke!
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