Shortage Oxycodone (Page 3) (Top voted first)


This is freaking ridiculous!!! Last month it took 3 weeks to fill the RX and this month, it's going on another 3 weeks. Pretty soon I'm going to have multiple scripts that I won't be able to fill any of them! This is going to screw up my whole cycle. I'm suppose to be taking the oxy with methadone at the same time for my pain. Do you realize how much gas and time I've wasted in the past 3 weeks? I've gone to the same pharmacy every day, you mean to tell me that none of them has them for the past 3 weeks! I get bogus excuse every like, ohh we can't fill methadone with oxy, or you need to be in the same county as your doctor, you are out of your zip code, we can't fill that many pills, you have never filled at this location....blagh, blagh, blagh!!! Or they tell me they are out of stock and don't know when they will be getting any, this should be illegal!! does the DEA understand what might happen when someone goes without their medication. I want a DEA to get hurt on the job and forced to take these medication and then all of sudden not be able to get any because of 'shortages'. I'm sure they would like the withdrawls and there's even a possibility they would die. DO THEY UNDERSTAND THIS??? I can't fill my scripts until after the 28 day cycle, although they r they reason why I can't fill going on the 3rd week, now I have to wait 28 days before I can fill and my dr's apt is next week!!! WTF!?!??! I've spend so much gas money just driving around every wallgreens and cvs just for them to roll their eyes and tell me off the bat that they don't have any. I feel like suing someone! How can we bring attention to the cause. Does someone have to die from withdrawls and their family having to sue the state/pharmacies in order for someone to care?? do they realize how much stress and pain they are causing us? I can't afford to be wasting gas just to track these down. Seriously, I've gone every day, spending 3-5 hours driving to each pharmacy and I'm only limited to local pharmacies since I have to stay within my zip code, which is ridiculous!!! The pharmacy in Longwood won't accept me because she said I'm out of the zip code, I live in LONGWOOD, it's even on my driver's license, although I live on the other side of town but still!!! I'm just so pissed and sick and tired of the pharmacist treating me differently, like i'm such a bad person. I'm just a person with pain, if that makes me such a bad person then so be it.

94 Replies (5 Pages)

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I go to pain mgt on Thursday. I'm taking opana, bc I couldn't fill my roxycodone prescription for 2 wks. Been so sick from opana, if anyone can post recent problems filling roxycodone in swFL would you post it please? I don't know what other choice I have, the DR office just keeps saying keep trying.. I sick of this whole thing. Thanks

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Brian, what was your outcome? Have you been able to fill? I'm going through same crap. Losing hope

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I'm in! Walgreens in spring hill said that because my license was slightly bent, they would only fill my methadone, and not my oxycodone. I went to the DMV because of Jon the pharmacist only to be told that I didnt need a duplicate. I cringe every month. I'm from boston, and have been on this stuff for 8 years. I've never seen anything like it...... I want to go home, lol!

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You have been taking Oxycodone and Methodone on a daily basis for years. Your liver and kidneys are well beyond repair. Any doctor that gives both of these drugs for years of consumption are quacks.

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Hey Me... no one asked for your advice. Go somewhere else and harass other people. Enough of us are suffering, amd unless you're an MD.. keep quiet. People like u piss me off. Take a hike.

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How dare you! Reporting that msg as abuse.

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To: Panicnpain (all pain is in your head)
Yes, you are correct, I am not an MD but I am a retired federal attorney. You are correct, nobody did ask for my advice but this is a free country and I have a right to freedom of speech. I choose not to be quiet as I state facts from 18 years of college educatiuon and 3 degrees. I will not go away either but if you do want me to you can easily come to me and make me since you are just up the street in SW Florida for which live in Oak Run on State Road 200 in Ocala. I'll be waiting. Now don't be talking crap to me behind a computer and not live up to your degrading quotatations.

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Too bad you're unable to spell " education". If that's what 18 years got you, it's just sad. Obviously, you don't understand pain. You're right, we are lucky to be able to practice freedom of speech in this country. How dare you judge me and my pain, when you know nothing about me or anyone else in this forum. My God have mercy on your judgmental soul.

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I spoke with my NP (Nurse Practitioner) about those of you not being able to fill your prescriptions in Florida and it is even happening here in AZ. But, she said the FDA is clamping down on Florida because of the rampid abuse, they are here too but if you have good back up (MRI's, CAT SCANS, X-RAYS, ETC) then your doctor should be able to make sure you get your meds! But they will give you the least amount possible IF you agree to whatever type of therapy it takes for you to get well...and then only continue on a smaller amount. I have agreed to have the Occipital Nerve Blocks for my migraines,plus the Epidurals they want to give me for my back, which I have fought having both for fear I will be worse off if something should go wrong! I have had some close calls over the years, due to negligence on the Medical Fields part! I could have 4 lawsuits right now, but I feel it would be a very big fight and at my age (73) it would set my health back more so than I already am at this moment. I have written to my Senators and to Obama to see what should become of those who are in the situation we all are reply thus far!!! And I don't expect a won't happen until there is enough complaints...if even then!!!! There will be a lot of deaths because when you have been on Opiate Frugs, you need to taper...cold turkey is hard on the heart! Be sure to remind your doctors of doctor told me...after being on codeine for 45 years for migraines that I WILL die if I go cold turkey!!!! And iwas told I may never be able to get off them 100%, so if I can stay on 2-3-4, that is my age! But I am continuing to do what my doctors ask of me...with therapy and whatever they ask me to do whenever. I don't like taking drugs but they did give me a life I wouldn't have had otherwise,my doctors do understand this. I got on my computer and wrote my whole life history, plus telling that migraines were a hereditary
factor too. I am down from daily migraines to 1 or 2 a week, all because a dentist found out I have TMJ very severely, I now have a MOUTHGUARD that is helping tremendously....but I still am dependent on the Opiods which upsets me, so I will do whatever it takes to get off them or a very low dose. They are very hard on the liver, I have regular liver tests, so far, so good! I see a doctor for regular blood work and bladder and kidney tests....since I do all this, I am getting my 120 pills a month, but it took my doctor to call the Pharmacist. I can no longer get Oxycodone for the intense migraines but I was only taking 1/2 a tablet per day, so I am finally off them, thank goodness!! I do whatever exercises I can do, even while lying does help....even if I have the pain. I was up to taking 6-7-8 per day, not good. Today so far, I have had 3....and I am allowed 4, plus I take 2 Valiums a get me over the hard times. Good luck to you all, I know and understand what you are going through...find a good doctor, NP or Pain Specialist...try what they want you to just might get the meds you need! My NP has a doctor she works with who is a Rehab doctor....he follows what she does for me but he helps mostly addicts. He knows I never did recreational drugs, so he coaches her how to support me, plus they have a counselor in with them, she is a good listener and helps me a lot. In fact, all of my doctors work together, a good thing. They do say it will be rough for some as the FDA (the government) is clamping down. What angers this Administration won't stop the infiltration of drugs coming over the border....I have no use for the hypocrits in Washington DC!!!!!! They need to help addicts get off the drugs, put Medical Facilities on every corner instead of Pharmacies/Drug Stores!!!! Crazy World!!!!!!

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NAC, I'm sorry you're having such a hard time. I've had cluster h/a's for over 30 years. Have you ever tried imitrex nasal spray? If I administer it as soon as I feel h/a coming on, it aborts it about 50% of the time. I also found oxygen through a mask at a rate of between 8-10 liters a minute has worked better than any medication. I understand your apprehension about epidurals, but if your physician is a anesthesiologist, they are trained to give these via fluorospcopy, leaving very little room for error. They brought me immediate relief, the problem was for me, they didn't last more than a month.I'll give it another try, as I don't want to take meds for the rest of my life. God Bless and take care. Most of us here are caring and supportive of one another.

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What a sad life you have. Complain, take meds your entire life. You do not know me and i have been through much more pain than you as I served in the federal government for 33 years and went through 21 operations and never once took any crap, not even Tylenol 3. They say people can't smoke, BS. They say people can't quit drinking, BS. Excuses. I do not have to prove anything to scum like you. If all you can do is complain about a misspelling of a word, god help you. I have fat fingers. Sue me. I served in the Gulf for 24 years in Intelligence and saw death everyday and you complain about a headache and I see my co-workers getting their arms and legs blown off and you want oxycodone for pain every day. Go to a doctor, tell him the problem, get surgery to correct it. The very worse that comes out of surgery is the problem was not corrected and surgery can be done again. Taking pills every 4 hours every day does nothing but will get you put in jail for driving under the influence.

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if you have prescription coverage, call your insurance provider and complain to them, you might be surprised to find they actually may help you, and you can report to your health insurance provider these places that are giving you excuses and they may just call these places on your behalf. i would also call your doctors office and tell them whats happening and have them fax your script in to them. Also call your walgreen support number like a 800 number you can complain to them. I know its not going to get your scripts but get the ball rolling.

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I already called insurance co. I also called Walgreens corporate and complained. I had my call returned by a nasty drone, who said " I bet you're complaining about oxycodone"? Then proceeded to tell me in a condescending way, if the pharmacist isn't comfortable filling rx, that's their right. I've told Dr office all the trouble not being able to fill, and all they say is, keep trying. Sorry, don't mean to be a drag, but it's a lot of bad Drs writing too many prescriptions in this state. I read on 1 website, 1 Dr in the orlando area wrote prescriptions for more roxycodone pills than the whole state of Cali wrote combined. Then we wonder why we're having such an awful time. Too many rotten apples literally putting the hurt on legitimate chronic pain sufferers.

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Oh my, those are some strong words you've chosen to use here. Very disrespectful. Good for you, you've chosen to not take medication. Not all conditions can be surgically corrected. Prayers sent your way.

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I won't take the low road in your response. You're obviously here for the anger and shock value, to which I won't again respond to you.

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Panicnpain, thanks for the support, I really do appreciate it...very much!!!! No, I guess that is the only thing I have NOT tried...Imitrex nose spray. But I surely will mention it to my NP on my Friday visit with her! So, thanks for that!!!! Also, I will be seeing my dentist in a couple of weeks, he has helped me so much, I am down to 1-2 or 3 headaches a week...that is a miracle!!!! Had no idea I had I have Facial Trigeminal Neuralgia...and Neuralgia throughout my body. But I am determined to overcome it all by taking the least amount of pain pills possible...and hopefully eventually to get off them entirely!!!! THAT IS MY GOAL!!! I have many other ailments but will be starting medical YOGA that goes along with my Pain Specialists' treatment, will start that at the end of the month. I also just found out I have low blood wonder I can't get going in the mornings???? I am thinking it is because I need a pain now my whole world will be different!!!! I am always watching my weight, so I never eat sugar or not a lot of foods that have natural sugars....but that has to change......maybe I then won't need any pain meds. That would be prayers answered, and the doctor who works with my NP is a rehab doctor....he is guiding my NP in helping me!!! There IS help out there for those who WANT to get off pain meds, I had to hunt and hunt but even at age 73......and believe me it was a huge struggle....but I did it!!!! Pain meds are not the way to go if possible, it takes hold of your body, you no longer OWN your body....the meds do. I always feel better when I take the least amount, when I take a lot with an intense migraine I get angry, because I have to start all over again with the "withdrawal",,,,I hate that. It is so difficult to get out of your body, but my doctors won't let me go cold my complaint was re: the druggists....I am is a they have to cooperate with my doctor...and I will give my insurance a call AGAIN to inform them AGAIN, what is going on. If it doesn't work this time, I will be in contact with my attorney...I don't think it is right, when I am cooperating with everyone and following the procedures they request. Thanks for your reply....and here's hoping we all get some is out there!!!!!! I just hope you don't end up like me, dependent on the only drug that worked for my migraines, for 45+ years....I went for 20 years with "zero" help. God Bless my doctor who is with us no longer, if it hadn't been for him giving me Fioricet w/codeine at age 28, I would never have had the wonderful life I had!!!! BUT, I started out taking one a month....and ended up taking 6-7 because the TMJ was so severe after so many years, along with the other several ailments I have. By the way....I have a few SOMA I have kept from my long departed doctor (I keep them in the refrigerator), when mybackis goes out from over exertion or I have my Sciatic pain I take one and it does help! But my doctors will not give them to me thus far, I am still trying to convince them that just ONE does help, they are afraid I will become addicted to them...I have had the same prescription since 2003, my doctor prescribed 50. I still have 12 tell I an addict???? I don't think so, I don't think I ever have been....I just deal with a lot of pain!!!! I keep telling my NP I have a low pain level....she told my husband and I last week, she has never seen anyone endure pain like I do!!!! I thought she was kidding!!!! She said with all the ailments I have, by rights....I should be on a lot more than I take!!!! I was shocked!!!! So I guess I am doing okay....though at times it is difficult!!!! Got myself a little dog....she is helping me a lot!!! You know, DOG is GOD spelled backwards....animals can be a God send for those in pain. I love dogs!!!!!! :-). Thanks again!!!!

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Dear Nac, I hope you feel better and appreciate your kind words. I just had a cluster h/a and the imitrex nasal worked. I too have a dog and she is a Godsend to me too! Many blessings and prayers sent to you. Anytime you would like to vent, most are kind and helpful. Good evening to you :)

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Seems to me you are bed ridden because of the withdrawl from not having your proper medication, i myself was on oxycotin for years, I took myself off because my old pain dr, didn,t think methadone was a good pain med, well i am here to tell you it is and instead of feeling high and not being myself on the oxi, i found dr that did give me methadone and its great, no high feeling, just pain relief and thats all i wanted, oxi changes people, and the withdrawls are nothing i ever want to go thorough again, my advise for you to be able to care for a child and work and be in the right frame of mind, get on methadone!

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I feel bad about what you all are going through. I too have been going through it too. I have made a choice to stop all this madness. I have decided to stop taking pain meds. I have very serious problems with neck, lower back and both knee's. I have been wondering about something for the past 2 plus years and now I can stop wondering. Opiates cause more pain. Yes I did say Opiates cause more pain. I finnaly have the proof I've been seeking for 2 years. Of all places I found the proof at a rapid detox facility here in Florida. I'm slowly detoxing myself and it is vry painful but I have to do it because what I found out was more frightful than the detox. Anyone ever heard this term? hyperalgesia – increased pain. Check it out. If you want to know everything that goes on in your body when using opiates than check this out. Myself by cutting down I have already noticed the proof is in the pudding.

I have nothing to do with this place but I'm greatful for the full details of what is happing to us. I just skipped my pain clinic appointment and it was hard to do but in the end I know I will work out the pain somehow. It's takes a leap of faith to do this but I was always convinced that the opiates were causing more pain. The pain clinics are getting rich off of us and don't even care about us. I'm sure most of you have seen this lately. I even had a place to fill my scripts but when I found out the facts I got more upset at myself for not looking harder. Do yourself a favor and paste that address and read the one page. It won't hurt you to read a page. I can't go for rapid detox because it is 15 thousand dollars but it would be nice because it is only 2 hours and your done. Good luck with your refills to everyone and god bless. I know life with out opiates.

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Lets ban together. I am in Piellas Florida and havin the sane problem. Hit me up at xxxxx@xxx {edited for privacy}
we need to do something asap.

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