Shall I Stop Taking Bystolic...? (Top voted first)


The doctor I went to for a TKA medical clearance prescribed the lowest dose for a BP problem I didn't know I had. Pain probably cause a lot of stress and I was more than 20 pounds heaver back then, which was about 4 months ago. The drug certainly did work to bring about a normal BP and another benefit is that heart rate is low like a champion athlete. Despite how well it works I wonder if I really need to keep taking this drug--e.g., maybe just take an aspirin a day. My feeling is that the drug has lowered my metabolism by about 500 calories a day so it's a good thing I've been using Lose It! keep track of calories.

3 Replies

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Hello, Mac! How are you doing? Glad that you got the blood pressure under control.

However, you should not stop taking this medication, unless your doctor specifically tells you that it's okay for you to do so. Abruptly stopping it risks a rebound effect, which may result in dangerously elevated blood pressure and heart rate that could put your life in danger.

Learn more Bystolic details here.

And of course, if the medication is the only thing keeping your blood pressure at normal levels, then it will climb again, if you stop taking it.

Have you discussed this with your doctor, yet?

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It's been a year and my dose was doubled. From the 2.5 min. I've been taking 5 mg. for two days. I felt tired today (but, maybe still getting over a cold plus pulling a back muscle). A year ago I was140 over 100 and now I am at 140 over 90. I thought I'd be over the hp due to >20 lb. of weight loss and more exercise. I told the doc now my HR will be really low because it's already pretty low and he sad, that's what we want.

Anyone feel they have less energy going from 2.5 to 5 mg. and if so, within just a couple of days?

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I've noticed tiredness with the Bystolic... Only when your meds have been upped until your body gets use to them... Its done wonders on my pulse rate. My pulse was in the high 120's and that's relaxing... my pulse rate is down to about 58 laying down and walking about 80's. I went from 5 mg to 10 mg. Plus take Benazepril 20 mg 2 times a day. This is my first day of taking the 10 mg, My Blood pressure is still up but I realize it will take at least a month for me to have the full effects of the drug. My body was ok with 5 mg. But I did notice I was tired this morning taking the 10mg.

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