Severe Shoulder/back Pain, Getting Worse
UpdatedOver the past several months (up to 12), I've had an increasingly severe pain build in my left shoulder and back. It started in the shoulder, high up almost into my neck (opposite my collar bone). Since then, it has spread to nearby areas all around my shoulder blade, including just behind my armpit. The pain also radiates down my entire left arm.
The areas are painful when I move, and also painful to the touch; the skin is sensitive, almost like a post-surgical site (I've had multiple surgeries- more on that later). Over the past few week, these areas have also started to swell, with solid knots or masses developing where the pain seems to come from. The consensus is these spots "feel like bone" when pressed on. They're also visible to the naked eye.
I've seen my family doctor, who sent me for two MRI's, but both failed to capture the areas effected (missed them by an inch or so). I'm due for a third one soon. I also went to physical therapy, but this made it worse; after my last appointment, I missed three days of work and could barely function.
I'm missing work.
I'm using Percocet, OxyContin, Voltaren gel, and everything OTC I can safely take. I've always hated taking medication I don't need, especially narcotics, and I look forward to a time when that's not necessary.
I can barely do the things I need to be a productive member of my household.
My wife is understanding but frustrated, and I'm at my wit's end.
Is there anyone out there who can tell me...
1) What might be happening,
2) What more might help??
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