Severe Constipation From Methadone
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Been on 90 mlg. methadone for 6 months, having severe constipation. Looking for something to help my opiate addiction that doesn't cause severe constipation.

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Iceman: Sorry to hear about your problem. I was on 80 mg Methadone @ the MMTP and then for 17 years on pain management @ 60mg. Now I’m on 60 mg MS Contin 2 times a day. What has worked for me is Super Colon Cleanse. Amazon, health food stores and Vitamin Shoppe carry it. It says on the package not to take for more than 30 days but many people take it every day. See Amazon reviews. I always took about 3-4 a day and it has kept me regular for so long. Recently, I was put in Cymbalta which is even more constipating now with Morphine. I tried Avinza (presciption needed), and it works great. Doc gave me 8 mg & 24 mg samples. With 8 mg tab, I still need 2 colon cleansers. I haven’t tried 24 mg yet. But I’m sure that’s all I might need. Also, Metamucil is good too. Good luck. {affiliate link added}

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i also have chronic constipation.. every time my doc. gave me syrup or some tablets.. but when i stop using that.. again i face the same problm.. what should i do now?

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Hello, Iceman! How are you doing? I'm sorry about the problem that you're having.

However, all opiates, inducing those used to treat addiction can cause constipation as a side effect. Along with the risk of being habit forming, the FDA lists their other typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache and dry mouth.

Have you consulted your doctor?

When I was on pain management, I found fiber supplements helped a lot with this issue.

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