Severe Ache, Any Advice Would Be Awesome!
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Previously was unemployed so I quit taking my adderal. Recently I have become employed again but with severe adhd I am having a hard time managing... Looking got a psychiatrist that may be able to help me out so I can stay employed. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!

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I am located in Royal Palm beach Florida. I was seeing a pretty decent dr that listened for the most part. I have a feeling one or more of my family members told her they believed me to be an addict which I am not, wondering if that's a breech of confidentiality of any sort considering I'm 33 and signed nothing giving them the power to speak with her. It was honestly the only thing that allowed me to be functional. Thanks for listening and if anyone has advice it would be much appreciated.

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Hello, Julie! How are you?

Can you please post back with your general location?

Since this site is available for people world wide, you'll likely get more responses if people know where you are, so they can recommend a local doctor.

That FDA warns that most ADHD medications carry the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, irritability, and insomnia.

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