Sensa Side Effects
UpdatedI have been having dry heaves for two months. Has anyone else using Sensa have this problem? I also have been diagnosed with a hiatal hernia so this more likely the problem although my doctor doesn't think so.
I have to say that you should probably listen to your doctor and try stopping the Sensa for awhile and see what happens.
It is the likely culprit, since you are adding it to all of your foods. Their website doesn't even list the exact ingredients and freely state that they supposedly change with each months supply, to avoid your getting used to the product. There is a very good chance that anything like this can disrupt your body and cause these types of problems.
Are there any other questions or comments?
I have not had dry heaves, but myself, my sister and a co-worker all have been getting leg and foot muscle cramps at night in the 3rd month using the Sensa product. The are very painful cramps that seem to be deep muscle that wake you up and last longer than a normal cramp. Wondered if anyone else has this problem.
does use of sensa has a side effect like hairfall
I started taking Sensa and after a month of taking it I ended up in the ER with kidney stones and had severe acid reflux. I drink lots of water and never had kidney stones. Once I stopped taking Sensa it toke two months for these side effects to go away! I am almost certain that Sensa had caused these problems but now I am stuck with a six month supply and out of $199;( I am afraid to give this product to anyone or give it another shot!
What I don't understand about the product Sensa is how it causes weight loss. I spoke with a nurse and told her the ingredents and she told me the products ingredents are just calcuim and there is nothing in it to promote weight loss! Is this true? If this is true, how can they claim weight loss without a diet or exercize plan and garentee 30lbs of weightloss in six months?
I have been using Sensa for a few days and have also noticed cramping in my legs and feet. Unfortunately, I now also have open sores developing, and increasing in size and number, on the roof of my mouth. Time to contact them for a refund. Wish me luck!
Kidney stones I started taking sensation and ended up in emergency room I had several kidney stones I drink a lot or water no sodas no caffeine I thought I was dyeing I pushed out 6 kindneystones at one timers attack I pushed 3kidney stones then 3 months later the 6 kidney stones 21thousand dollars in medical bills
I'm 13 years old and i want to try sensa because i'm about 30 -40 pounds over weight. I'm scared to try it though. What should i do?
Isn't this something? I have had, for the past week, what I thought was the stomach flu, complete with very achy legs, feet and back, as you would expect with the flu. But, I felt better and started back on Sensa. If I didn't start getting the legs spasms back immediately! There's just something almost sinister about this product. The company seems so vague about the ingredients, just referring to 'flavor enhancers' and the like. Who knows what is really in this stuff?
Just wanted to note, in my above post, I DID get the spasms back immediately. Could not correct once posted. I would love to hear if anyone else has had this.
Try something like Weight Watchers. It is the most successful diet around because it teaches you the proper way to eat. Then work on your mental attitude about food. If you see it as comforting, work on getting the same comfort from exercise. It will work and last a lifetime.
Yes I have cramps as well taking Sensa. All over body cramps after being on it for 1 week. At first I thought I wasn't drinking enough water, but drinking to much water, made the cramps even worst. I believe that Sensa can help me, but I can't take the cramps. I might stop taking Sensa for a few days, to make sure that it is what causes the cramps, and start up again to see if they come back. Just curious. I like the concept of Sensa.
I have been using SENSA for almost 3 months, for almost that long I have been having increasing pain in my leg and hip area. My Dr. has been unable to find the cause of this pain and now I am wondering if the problem could be a side effect of SENSA. I am getting so bad that I can hardly function, I wish I had read some of the other post before using it.
I found these packets around my sister's house. She passed away last week in her sleep. She was only 66 years old. Never had a complaint about her health. I don't know or ever will know if this caused her death.
I also took Sensa and as a result have been dealing with kidney stones since I took it. I have had the laser procedure to break up the kidney stones but have been back many times. I occasionally get extreme pain and have episodes where I either have dry heaves or vomiting. It seems never ending. I have to warn people to stay away from this stuff. It is not worth the agony it has caused me.
I ask how you can be sure it's the sensa that caused the kidney stones?
There is no history of kidney stones in my family nor have I ever had them before I took Sensa.
I've read too many stories on Sensa side effects, that is the reason for googling the 'side effects' of whatever your going to buy or take that affects your health. Best way to lose weight - watch the quantity you eat. My rule of thumb - no dish bigger than a desert plate (and you should be able to see the plate through the food on it) and eat 5 times a day (healthy foods - no grease and no sodium and no pop). However with that being said, I did decide to look into Sensa and see what so different about it. I reviewed all the video of the shopping channels who sell this brand. No mention of any side effects were stated. It said it would make you feel 'not eating' by putting this product on everything you eat - so what was the difference between that and sizing down your plate?
I'm no doctor, but when I read the stories on here and the ingredients that they promote, I could now realize how the people who posted their reviews on here developed kidney stones. I never had a kidney stone, but has had kidney problems, so I know exactly what pain is felt.
Sensa says it 'Contains Patent-Pending crystals called Tastants'. Tastants Any chemical that stimulates the sensory cells in a taste bud (that would lower you desire to eat), but what hit me was PATENT PENDING CRYSTALS.
Kidney stones form when there is a decrease in urine volume and/or an EXCESS OF STONE FORMING substances in the urine. The most common type of kidney stone contains calcium in combination with either oxalate or phosphate (also listed in Sensa). About 75% of kidney stones are calcium stones. Other chemical compounds that can form stones in the urinary tract include uric acid, magnesium ammonium phosphate (which forms struvite stones; see below), and the amino acid cystine.
A person has to rememder that what goes into your body - has to come out. The liver and kidney determine what is kept for the body and what is waste. Kidneys filter out the waste through urine. Since we all have kidney stones ready to be filtered at anytime with no warning, adding a crystal and the rest of the Sensa ingredients into the body/kidney to the existing stones. Your chances of passing kidney stones had just jumped substantially.
I too took Sensa and after a period of time developed kidney stones. I have never had kidney stones before. I am still dealing with the kidney stone problem even though I threw away the Sensa.
Maureen how have your kidney stones been recently? I too have had effects from sensa, and they have effected me for 7 months, and i am hoping eventually the body will overcome these reactions- is your situation still going on or is it continuing? Any information would be helpful.
Most Recent Replies:
I never had kidney stones in my life. Two weeks after using Sensa, I developed a kidney stone. It is pain beyond description. I stopped taking it, had to have lithotripsay to get rid of the kidney stone. No more more kidney stones.
Shortly after taking sensa, I developed a kidney stone. I never had a kidney stone until I never had a kidney stone. I called sensa, and they were very rude. I never will take it again, and have not had a kidney stone since.
I haven't had any further problems with kidney stones even though one remains in me. Hoping everything will be ok and there will be no more problems. Still do follow-ups with Dr. though.
I have been living on going since 2012 with having severe acid reflux (burps that smell ungodly) vomiting and diarrhea like you wouldnt imagine. My body never did this until SENSA. I Know it messed my body up for good.
I still have some kidney stones in my body even though I have had two procedures to break them up. So far (knock on wood) they don't bother me even though they're still present. I'm still going for testing though to see if anymore have passed and am still seeing the doctor in regards to this condition. Hope I answered your question.
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