Seizures (Top voted first)
UpdatedI went to a neurologist and had an EEG with a temporal lead done and it came out abnormal. The reason I had gone there is because I have been experiencing episodes of dizzy spells and lightheaded ness without actually fainting and at times pain in the face/ mild headaches and at times tingling sensations. In one or two of the episodes I would also temporarily get disoriented. Whenever these episodes happened and they would last anything from a few minutes to about 15-20 min I would always get better by standing and walking about and also drinking lots and lots of water. My doctors have at times thought it was cardiac related and or inner ear relatedbut my tests in that were quite n normal. I also had a regular EEG done a month before this latest one and it came out normal. I also had an MRI which was done a month ago and that was normal bar a few white spots which the radiologist, doctors and neurologist were not worried about. At this first visit to a neurologist where I got an abnormal EEG, he diagnosed me with a mild seizure problem and prescribed me with Epilin CR for 14 days, after which I need to see him again. Now I have read that taking anti-epileptic medication when your seizures are not caused by epilepsy can be risky. Please advise.
3 Replies
They aren't specifically epilepsy medications, they are just seizure medications, which work on chemicals in the brain the cause seizures to occur.
It would be similar to calling certain medications AIDs drugs, when they are really just antivirals that also have other medical uses against other viruses, as well.
Did you discuss your concerns with the doctor?
For the best results, you should follow their instructions and try the medication for 2 weeks.
EEG results are only as good and as accurate as the Neurologist interpreting them. As a 41yr physician with a seizure disorder, my advice would be to obtain copies (on disc) of all neurological testing. MRI's, EEG's, CT scans, etc. Then, research your nearest University Hospital staff listing(s) for Neurologists (preferably in a large group---as the larger groups of Neurosurgeons/Neurologists typically have a physician that specializes in ONLY seizures) Make an appointment for a consultation only. Bring all test results--see what that doc's opinion is. If you don't need to be on the would be great. Good luck
Addendum to below:
Almost all EEG's of those with Seizure Disorders ARE ABNORMAL. However....
Not ALL abnormal EEG's indicate a Seizure Disorder.
Make sense? Just as "...all that wheezes is NOT asthma---yet all asthmatics wheeze".
Think about it.
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