Seems To Have Stopped At Week 4


Hello. Im a 39 year old female and 5 foot even. After the birth of my first son (18 years ago), I was disagnosed with hypothyroidism. I was put on medication and monitored my thyroid every 3-6 months. It was never a problem until I reached about 38. I used to run 6 miles every day-EVERY DAY! Then I just sort of felt burnt out, tired all the time. I always weighed in around 120, and when I just recently went to the doctor I was pushing 150! Thats the most I have ever weighed. He suggested that I try Contrave and exercise again and see if that would help in my weight loss. Im on the 3rd day of my fourth week and im up to 4 pills a day-two in the am and two in the pm. So far I have lost around 10 pounds. Its been about a week since I have lost anything. I havent really had to many side effects. Mostly headaches and slight nausea. But I will tell you on thing-do not drink on this medication! Im not going to lie, I enjoy drinking-craft beer and champange. I probably had something to drink everyday. Well that changed immediately. I have absolutely NO desire to drink at all. Even the thought of it makes me feel sick. Im sort of bummed because I did enjoy it, but losing this weight is more important. The other day my husband and I were going kayaking, I decided to force myself to try a beer-BIG MISTAKE. After about an hour after finishing that one beer, we had to pack up and leave- I was soo very sick. It lasted the rest of the night and the whole next day. Seriously. It was awful, the nausea was almost to much to bear. The next day I felt fine, and I learned my lesson. So if you enjoy to drink and have no desire to stop, this medication is not for you. It makes me wonder if im losing the weight because of the medicine or the not drinking. Im thankful that the weather here is getting nicer, so I can get out and start walking more. Maybe that will help the weight come off quicker. Good luck to you guys.

2 Replies

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Hi Sue,

Congratulations on losing the 10 pounds! That's a great start! I think not drinking any alcohol can definitely make a big difference in and of itself, mainly because it's mostly empty calories anyway. But if Contrave is catalyzing these changes within you, then that sounds like a very positive thing. Hitting plateaus in weight loss is normal. I think it just means that every little change (no matter how small) we make to our daily routines has an impact on getting to the next stage of weight loss (or whatever your goals may be). It may take a few dietary tweaks here and there or an extra 20-30 minutes of exercise? Also, don't be discouraged when you see a bigger number on the scale, because muscle weighs more than fat and if you're building muscle to replace fat, then that is a great thing! Nevertheless, you're on the right track just by simply wanting to better yourself and you deserve a lot of credit for that! Thanks for keeping us posted on your journey to better health!

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Re: David (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you so much Dave! And yes, I do exercise daily. But now that it is getting warmer (I live in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan), im definitely going to get out more. I spend my summers hiking, kayaking and combing the beaches for beach glass and agates! Always outside. Im sure that will help a lot!

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