Scared To Start Xarelto Pill. (Top voted first)


Doctor wants me to start this twice a day(15mg= 30) due to clots in my leg and after reading all this blogging I am terrified to take it. I cant imagine gaining all my weight back and then some. I just got off Victoza cause I brought my sugar down from losing 20 lbs. That would really be a bummer, Then all these side effects and all the swelling and bloating too man oh man. I'm pretty scared to take the pill!...Wont ASPIRIN fix these clots?

3 Replies

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Sometimes, Aspirin isn't enough to do it. What details about it have scared you?

The FDA lists its typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, increased risk of bleeding and easy bruising.

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Well after reading All the posts these people are writing about regarding it and all the legal suits seen on TV, it really makes me think twice about using such a drug. I did hear I could take a natural herb called Nattokinase and it appears to be working for many of my friends and I have read many good reviews about it. Xarleto appears to have way too many side effects. Once I get it I will write a review on it.

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Hi Bisquit, I am a wife, and a mother of 4, (ages 17, 16, 11, and 10) and will be 50 this Dec. I had a DVT in my right leg in Dec. 2016. My doctor put me on Xarelto at that time. It is now April 2017, just 4 months later. I have stopped taking Xarelto two days ago. Since I started taking the medicine I have increasingly become more debilitated by the day. My leg pain is excruciating, causing me to cry. I have lost range of motion in both legs. I have difficulty sitting, standing, walking, and lying down. I have suffered continuous lack of sleep bc of the pain. I cannot even climb into my bed, as the pain is too intense and my range of motion is so diminished. In addition, I have experienced very bad shoulder and neck pain. I attempt sleeping in a recliner chair at night, but even then I still suffer all night. My quality of life has greatly diminished, which has affected me and my family. I am praying that the damage done by this drug is not permanent. Because of the pain, I spent many trips to the doctor and even went to the orthopedic surgeon, had blood work, etc. to determine the cause of the pain. No one suggested it could be this medicine, and I only discovered this as I spent my sleepless nights researching. Xarelto is absolutely the culprit. Nothing else in my life changed except that I began that medication. My advice to you is to consider very carefully if you are willing to face the possible side effects. Even as awful as my side effects have been, I have not suffered the worst side effects of internal bleeding which so many have suffered and reported on this drug (and some have even died). My advice is if you do try this medication, pay close attention to ANY changes in your body, keep a journal of any changes, and immediately speak to your doctor and consider a change of medication. If your arms, shoulders, neck, or legs begin to hurt, do not wait until you are in my situation and are barely able to walk, sit, or lie down. I will NEVER take this medication again, and will do whatever I can to find an alternative. I hope my experience helps you make an informed decision and I hope the best for you.

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