Scared Of Theses Been Fake! (Top voted first)


I baught crescent make diazepam 10mg tablets they just look differnt and I was worried I normally get prescribes 2mg White ones from Dr but I've been unwell and been unable to attend Drs and I use these to sleep I just want any info anyone can give me as I'm very paraniod about taken them thanks

2 Replies

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Are thy by crescent pharmacy ? In a red box, then thy r 100perc fine.ul sleep like a baby.0w did u order them? Cos I try's them out of a friend but need to order sum myself but Thursday 100per not fake.JG

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I've just got the same ones, they're very very good trust me you will not be disappointed. I've only had one 10mg. I normally get the actavis one and I normally have to take about six 10mg to get the effect of a normal 10mg but I got the same effect off just taking one crescent diazepam.

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