Savella Was A Total Nightmare!
UpdatedI have had fibro for over 20 years. I had been taking Lyrica for over 6 years and my pain was starting to increase so my Dr. weaned me off of Lyrica and started Savella at 25mg 2x a day. I had horrible side effects including nausea, intense sweating, suicidal thoughts, sleeplessness. Despite that I stuck it out for a month and even tried the higher dose of 50mg 2x a day to see if I would get any benefits. But the side effects got worse and were unbearable and my pain levels were through the roof. I had horrendous flare ups along with those side effects. I couldn't handle the medication any longer and have now weaned myself off. I'm now considering going back on Lyrica. I would not recommend this drug. I've had issues with other anti depressants in the past so this may not be the right type of medicine for me. I've also taken Cymbalta in the past and of the 3 drugs I can now say Lyrica is the only one that provided some pain relief with the most tolerable side effects. I experienced the inability to concentrate, some weight gain, and constipation while on Lyrica 125mg a day. I hope this helps others.
2 Replies
Hello, Jackie! How are you? I'm very sorry about the problems you had on Savella.
Lyrica is different, it is not an antidepressant like the others, so that may be why it worked better for you. The FDA actually classifies it as an anticonvulsant that is also approved to be used for some mood disorders and to treat certain types of nerve pain. Its typical side effects may include nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, mood swings and weight changes.
However, since it wasn't working as well for you, anymore, you may want to speak to your doctor about trying Neurontin. It is in the same class of medications, so it treats the same conditions and the possible side effects are virtually identical.
Is there anything else I can help with?
Thanks for the response. I'm feeling better now that I've been off of Savella for a week now. I have tried Neurontin in the past, in fact it was one of the first medications I took after being diagnosed and it didn't work for me at all. I think I'm going to go back on Lyrica since my pain did seem to be more manageable while on that medication (150mg not 125mg per day). I hesitate to try anything else at this point since I had such a horrendous reaction and I can't afford to miss any more days from work because of this. Honestly I thought I was going to have to go to the hospital while on Savella, I was losing my mind!
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