UpdatedSavella has devinatley made the pain from Fibromyalgia decrease. but I am very, very constipated.
Has this happened to anyone else???
6 Replies
Great to hear that this is working so well for you.
Constipation is a known side effect of this medication, along with nausea, headache and insomnia.
Have you tried any remedies?
When I have this problem with medications, I usually find that fiber supplements are quite helpful.
YES! Constipation was horrible. It actually caused me to stop taking Savella. But now intense pain is back. A real Catch-22. Have you found a solution to the problem?
I too have the problem with constipation, but I have found if I drink plenty of water and fruits and vegts I am able to get along just fine.
I too also took sAvella for two and a half months. My pain went from a 9 to a 4. I got so bloated and constipated I had to get off of it. Pain back at a 9 and miserable . I took everything I could take as far as water, fiber tablets, fiber mixed in morning coffee. NOTHING worked. I think it not only calmed the pain down it put to sleep my peristalsis system that moves the food along that creAtes a bowel movement. At a real cross road of what to do .....
Did you ever figure out what to do about your constipation? I am in agony and have tried everything, as you have.
I, too, am at a crossroad. Savella helped my pain and also fatigue from Fibro but I spent last night at the ER because it'd been a week since I passed ANYTHING (no gas/no stool) in addition to chills, headache and pain in my gall bladder area. Yes, I drink lots of water and used Miralax with no relief. I've stopped the Savella until this resolves....the pain relief was nice.
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