Savella Cramping In Feet And Legs


I have just started taking Savella but very quickly noticed cramps in my feet and legs. Anyone else have this side effect?

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Savella contains the active ingredient Milnaciprin, it is an SNRI antidepressant that is also used to treat Fibroyalgia.

Yes, muscle cramping has been a reported side effect, along with: nausea, drowsiness and dry mouth.

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Does anyone else have experience using this medication?

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I started taking Savella just Wednesday and after my evening dose (pill#2) I went to bed 1 hour later and had the most horrible foot cramps and cold feet I thought I was going to die, but I put a heating pad on and layed completely flat and it helped. I just thought it was the weirdest side effect not listed. So dont think you are crazy cause I got it too.

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