Sandoz Usa Alprazolam 2mg
UpdatedI take these Sandoz 2mg alprazolam, marked 'GG 249' when in desperate need - the quality is pretty dire. A 2mg tablet feels more like a 1mg to me (I normally use Xanax brand or Gador's excellent ALPLAX from Argentina); however I recently came upon an image of a Sandoz USA 2mg bar whose imprint was HORIZONTALLY aligned, and not VERTICAL, as every tablet of that brand I have ever had carries. Are these counterfeits, or simply a very old version of real Sandoz from a time before I had ever had the US tablets? That would be before 2000. I have asked a couple of friends who also sometimes get prescriptions in the US, and none of them have ever seen or heard of the imprint being embossed across the bar rather than downwards either. Anyone able to shed any light on this?
1 Reply
Yes I actually do believe the old sandoz bars did read straight across a long time ago. They way they are now they have been that way for the last probably 20 years. Recently I've been getting bars that say Y and 1 2 on the back. Anyone ever get these? Apparently they made in Pakistan. That almost mush up in your mouth I hate them my pharmacy stopped carrying greenstone bars and got this trash.
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