Sandoz Adderall Reviews (Page 5)


Sandoz is the best generic ir adderall I've used. August 11, 2017 I was told by the pharmacist they no longer produce this product. I asked if brand name was available and was told yes. When I received them I noticed they were made by Teva and let me tell you they are awful. I don't know what to do if I can't find a decent generic brand.

130 Replies (7 Pages)

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Re: T (# 79) Expand Referenced Message

Where did you find the Sandoz generic? I've been looking all over for it but no luck so far.

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Re: Clinician (# 75) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you for your collaborative approach to problem solving our life-changing challenges. So, I did experience the low motivation problem with the expedited release as well, when taking 1/2. I decided, what the heck! I took two pills, instead of the one pill. Finally, my motivation and level of interests were served. The balance between treating hyper-transmitter firing with an increase in productivity was met. At the end of the day I am tired. So, I slept well. However, I cannot know if the first products, including the brand name, would have produced more desirable results using less medication. I am looking now for a new psychiatrist who may be able to re-evaluate me,as well.

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Hello. I've been taking sandoz adderall ir for about 5 months now, so far so good. I am taking around 10mg x2 a day and it doesn't last long enough, and when the crash comes I become very confused and bored.

1. Does Sandoz make adderall xr?

2. If not, what is the best generic for adderall xr?

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Re: Em (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

I'm in Indiana too hola!!! Ya I get sandoz too from CVS works great for me. The malkrap one is garbage tho

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I take Adderall IR 10mg twice a day by Sandoz. It only lasts 2 hours and then it goes away. How do I make it last longer or am I just growing a tolerance?

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Re: Tyler (# 85) Expand Referenced Message

I've read avoiding anything acidic(like orange juice, vitamin c, etc.)around the time of your dose is important, as acids can cause the drug to be metabolized quickly thus shortening its duration in your system. I've also read taking something to lessen the acid in your stomach can help it last longer in your system, such as an antacid like tums, Prevacid, nexium.

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Re: shimmer (# 37) Expand Referenced Message

Sandoz is the best of the generics, with the least side effects. They use toxins in their medications than other manufactures & you can tell the difference. Sandoz is the preferred manufacturer in multiple forums.

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Re: Quality Advocate (# 87) Expand Referenced Message

At one time they were, but they have changed and they are way more toxic or at least as toxic as the other brands now:(. They bring on an instant migraine and hypertension. You must be some Sandoz pharmacy rep trying to convince people to drink the kool-aid, because I guarentee there's no way you've actually tried them and felt this statement to be true!

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Re: Bob (# 88) Expand Referenced Message

I’ve been taking it for 15 years.. they just discontinued the Sandoz methylphenidate. Do you have a recommendation of a brand that works for you? Thank you!

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Re: Bob (# 88) Expand Referenced Message

I’ve been taking the Sandoz methylphenidate, I haven't tried the Adderall yet, but am looking for something to replace the methylphenidate since it’s been discontinued...

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Re: Quality Advocate (# 90) Expand Referenced Message

I switched from Sandoz adderall(after the change) to vyvanse. This wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great either. Right now I'm trying the teva brand Adderall because I prefer the instant release over the extended release of vyvanse. Teva has always been second best for me in the choices of Adderall, but it has more side effects than Sandoz used to. Good luck.

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Re: Bob (# 88) Expand Referenced Message

I've tried Sandoz, it's fine. You're looking for euphoria which is not the purpose of Adderall.

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Re: GodFirst (# 92) Expand Referenced Message

Helloooo???? I'm not referring to anything close to a "high"! I've taken 20 mg Adderall for over 10 years, does that sound like someone after a "high"?? Never had to increase, because I can tell when it's working to this very day, same as the first time. EXCEPT, Sandoz is not tolerable anymore due to the nasty side effects that started to happen back around nov/dec 2017. It changed. The migraines and intense high blood pressure that follows a dose(same dose as always) indicated there is absolutely something different in the med now. It has a completely different action, but heck yeah I can feel it, but I'm so debilitated by the NEGATIVE side effects I'm forced to go back to bed instead of being the productive human being that it enabled me to be BEFORE they changed it! YOU must be the same troll that works for Sandoz, just changed ya name:|

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Re: Bob (# 93) Expand Referenced Message

I must work for Sandoz? Hilarious. I'm surprised Russia didn't get blamed here, as you Libs tend to do.

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Re: GodFirst (# 94) Expand Referenced Message

Lololol. Right. Don't know why you would turn a complaint about a drug not working as it once did into a political statement?? Must be the Sandoz Adderall eating your brain tissue. I don't wish to discuss politics when all I'm concerned about is getting a medicine that actually works without making me deathly ill.(aka Sandoz). I have no idea why you would first try to tell me I'm looking for "euphoria" when I've taken the same dose over 10 years without issue until the formula was obviously changed, AND then, you want a to attack my political beliefs having no idea who I am or what I believe! So, Godfirst, based on your ability to "get it all wrong" I won't be trusting your opinion on any matter, especially the quality and effectiveness of a medication. Plus, why do you feel the need to attack people's experiences? That also makes you less credible.

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Re: Bob (# 95) Expand Referenced Message

If you've been taking it for 10 years, then your tolerance has built up and there's very little chance you'll get the "high" you're looking for. What you need is a year break from the medication. Then the same Sandoz that you're trying to blame for your lack of "euphoria" will feel like it did 10 years ago.

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Re: GodFirst (# 96) Expand Referenced Message

Never mentioned I don't "feel" it or don't feel "high" or "euphoric". In fact I haven't felt anything close to that in years, BUT I can tell when the medicine is working and not causing MIGRAINE HEADACHES AND HYPERTENSION. That, my friend, is what SANDOZ now does when I take it. It never gave me those side effects the whole time I've taken it at the exact same dose I've taken for 10 years. UNTIL Dec 2017-Jan 2018. At which point I had to change to a different brand or even medicine due to those SIDE EFFECTS.

It is now trash medicine which will make many people sick if they continue taking it. I've tried it twice since then (fortunately my pharmacy allows us to return a medicine and exchange for a different brand of the same medicine if we don't find a certain brand agreeable) and the same reaction occurs IMMEDIATELY upon dosing. It's excruciating! It's immediate and the duration of the side effects lasts unbearably long.

So for any other persons out there taking SANDOZ Adderall and suddenly develop migraine headaches and high blood pressure (and the overall sick feeling that accompanies these maladies) get with your doctor or pharmacist and get a different brand cause it's NOT you, it's the medicine. Again, GodFirst, (seeing as you are very dense in your understanding of my complaint), I'm not after a "high" I'm after being a functional human being. This is, and always has been, my goal of venturing (with much trepidation) into the pharmaceutical treatment of my disease.

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Re: Bob (# 97) Expand Referenced Message

Addiction is certainly a disease. However more medicine (Sandoz or otherwise) is not the solution.

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Re: GodFirst (# 98) Expand Referenced Message

Which is why I have never gone up on my dosage! "GodFirst"(I LOL every time I read your name), stop trying to make my complaint about this medicine into something that is MY fault. I never wanted to join the "controlled substance game" at all. My doctor talked me into trying medication to begin with. I kept myself at a minimum. The doctor even doubled my dosage, but I continue to take the same dose but the script lasts twice as long now, lol. Does that sound like an addict?? The reason I don't go up, is I absolutely don't NEED to go up. When the medicine is manufactured as it had been being manufactured before Dec 2017, it worked just as well as the first time I took it. But when it changed, it began giving major side effects that I wasn't about to up the dose and make those side effects even more lethal than they were at 20mg. Quit trying to make my complaint about the medication giving bad side effects into a complaint about the medicine not working! The problem is the medicine gives side effects that make the medicine unbearable! Big difference there. Just wish Sandoz would go back to the way they used to make it. Very effective, and no side effects. Now it's trash, complete garbage.

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Re: Bob (# 99) Expand Referenced Message

The 'new' Sandoz Adderall are atrocious.

They are basically sugar pills now with no relief. They give no focus, energy and concentration.

This is part of the process of having 3rd party now manufacturing them - and their recent sale to Aurobindo.

Stay away from them. Trust me. Worthless.


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