Saliva Drug Test Does Codeine And Hydrocodone Show Up He Same (Page 2)
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I am taking perscription cough syrup with codiene and took some hydrocodone recreationally and wondered on a 5 panel saliva test, will they both just show up as an opiate? or is there a differance in the two?

50 Replies (3 Pages)

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I took some hydrocodone about 1.5 hours before a doctors appointment. They did a saliva test on arrival. Will that show up on the test or not?

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I toke a tiny hit of hydro on Saturday and have a test Monday will I pass I wrestle and run a lot

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I havent done no pills for 3 months on saturday I took 7 5 mg vicodin and sunday took 5 had a swab test wensday at 12 pm what are my chances of testing positive

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Thank you Joe that is very helpful

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I took co-codomol for tooth ache (dry socket) it's not a good idea as it saps the calcium from your bones and although it relieves the pain it will in time do a lot more damage than good. I have been taking them for a week+ and my swab test showed opiates and amphetamines. Suspended for a full week with pay. They can't tell where the amp an opiates came from in a normal swab test and it has been sent to a lab. I was surprised to find that this is a majorly addictive drug and probably explains the sometimes flu-like symptoms when I no longer need them for pain relief. If they send it to a lab they will be able to tell what it is. I don't think I am gonna be sacked but I think they're gonna tell me I have to stop taking them. If you have been takin something similar and is over the counter or prescription drugs you will be ok. Good luck.

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She should be fine. I used to Percocet day before, actually evening before the test and pass urine text next afternoon. Tests have changed now and they can test for various substances but 5 MG of Hydrocodone or Oxycodone is out of your system in 12 hours; that's if you do it once in a while.

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I took 10 mg Vicodin a day for a week then stopped Wednesday at 9 am I have a urune test this Monday ( Tommorrow) I've been hydrating really well but not to much to dilute will I be okay on my test Monday

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I don't use morphine but it's shown up in my salava test why

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On a 5 panel, no. It will only be identified as an "opiate".

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I passed a 5 panel saliva test, i am a recreational user of hydrocodone, i took 60 mg 54 hours before my drug test and passed just fine, just to answer any questions on how long it takes to process thru your system i have a slower metabolism and do not exercise regularly, so someone who is in good shape should be able to pass one in 48 hrs

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Have a saliva drug test on Thursday morning at 10. I partook around 11 at night on Monday. will I fail?

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Did you get the job? I haven't drank any yet but I'm applying for jobs and don't want to risk it

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I took a 5/325 mg hydrocodone on Saturday at noon.. Approximately 48 hours later I had to take a saliva test for a job that I was applying for. I wasn't thinking at all that this would show up on a drug test when I took the pill, but now after researching it, I'm worried that I may not get the job. Does anyone have any insight or experience with this type of testing? Thanks!

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I am a heavy user of loratabs, I take about 5-7 a day do to sever back pain. My question is how long will it take for me to pass a drug test, it will either be a pis test or mouth swab. Yes I know drugs are bad etc etc. just looking for a little help

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Fail a Saliva SWAB test? That is 100 hours (give or take) post consumption. A Saliva test would be about 98% likely to test clean after this amount of time.

A urine test, on the other hand,.. is different. If the Urine test is standard panel immunoassay (dip test, where they don't send to lab) -- it would likely NOT test positive due to higher ng/Ml/dL -- But if a urine test where they send to a lab for GC/MS testing your odds drop to something like 50/50, or 60/40.

I wouldn't worry too much about it .. single use of short acting opiates, like hydrocodone, half a short half life and as such after 4+ days are at VERY low levels of drug metabolite in your urine output and EVEN lower or non existent in your blood an saliva.

So Saliva test = Pass for sure.
Blood test = Pass for sure.
Urine test (sent to Lab) = Probably pass, but not as certain.

Good luck,

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I took 2 10/325 hydrocodone on Thursday around 4 pm. I have a mouth swab drug test Monday is there any chance I will fail.. I don't use on a regular basis but hit my shin bone pretty bad and I took some old ones I had.

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I wouldn't think so. It has to be a certain level to show positive

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No, in 10 days it is impossible for you to test positive from a Saliva based test. Saliva is a good test because it is non invasive and can detect substances that have been VERY recently ingested. However, it has a VERY short period of detection.. similar to a blood test.

If you remember nothing else, remember this:

Saliva tests will detect substances for a period of 1-3 days,.. Beyond 3 days you will NOT test positive for any substance due to the nature of our metabolism.

Generally Saliva will give a positive result for anything that has been ingested in the past 12-36 hours. Past about 36 hours just about every drug will fall below the ng/mL cutoff level to indicate a positive result. This is why Urine testing is used for "punitive" testing such as Courts, Jails, Prisons, Probation, Diversion programs and so on. Urine tests that are sent to a lab which use GC/MS can detect substances for the maximum amount of time possible.

Which is 4-5 days (at most) for opiates,.. 2-4 days for Amphetamines,.. and for THC (Marijuana) up to 40-45 days for the most habitual chronic smokers/users. For an average user of Marijuana a URINE - LAB tested GC/MS sample will test positive for a few weeks.

But this is Saliva -- and is MUCH different. Drug metabolites are only present in your saliva for very short periods of time after use.. so again,.. A Saliva Test sent to a Lab would only result in an average of 12-36 hour detection from time of use -- and at the MOST a 3 day (72 hour) detection (this is uncommon).

So 10 days would 100% of the time result in a clean Saliva test result. 5 Days would result in a Clean Saliva test result.

Take care,

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So I took 3½ Vicodins and I could possibly have to take a saliva test in 10 days, will I be clean? Also how come people who ask the questions on here never follow up and say they passed or failed?

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will hydrocodone show up the same as subatex in a salavi test,will they both show up as opiates

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