Smz/tmp Ds 800-160 Tab Interpharm Details
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I would like details about SMZ/TMP DS 800-160 tablets by Interpharm.
Can I give SMZ TMP DS 800-160mg to my 8lb chihuahua for a respiratory infection, & if so, how much? I cannot afford a vet.
Re: QB (# 148)
You’d be MUCH better off with an anaerobic-type antibiotic.... infections down inside the jaw area are notoriously difficult to treat! Clindamycin is a commonly used antibiotic, perscribed by the endodontists....
Re: Sinus Sufferer (# 2)
I took my first pill last night then read the risks and they are some scary risks, such as colitis..c diff..just to name a couple and even death. I am considering asking the doc for a different antibiotic. I just do not like all the negatives especially when my aura is like Murphy's law... What can happen will happen. And mine is for a lung infection - then I read it can cause problems with the lungs... I can't do it.
Did the staph and cellulitis on your elbow go away?
Did it work with the medication alone or did you need an incision?
Thank you I have the same problem on second day of 2pills a day for 10days. No real relief YET I hope this goes away. Without incision
what is best for infected tooth. I have this drug and was thinking it might help. have a full bottle of it. what do you think ????
Wish I had luck like this instead of migraine & upset churning stomach ache. Prescription from Emergency room Dr. For cellulitis. Only taken 2 pills....after hours in ER in pain ...plan to give this more time, feeling wrecked.
SMT TMP DS generic drug taken for cellulitis, lymph nodes on neck swollen, super painful. Have been on a generic for Keflex for 7 days prior to this new antibiotic. Have only taken 2 pills one at 4pm and midnight. At 2 am migraine hit & nauseousness will continue on because I have already missed days at work. Had quarter size cyst like thing by jaw originally, did hot compress & applied pressure after leaving alone first week maybe but skin was sore and reddish. Wish I had left it alone. Squeezed out clear liquid with minor blood, got redder and more inflamed...still think hydrogen peroxide was better than antibiotic ointment on it. Bandaged, it oozed some, after shower hurt bad, applied pressure, out came yellow infection....left open & now has scab....this has been a humbling experience. Sick of neck lymph swollen and painful. Note to self, be more careful cleaning skin & not squeezing anything on face! The whole ordeal has been over a month time so far. Took Tylenol 800 mg. But can't sleep due to stomach upset. Got gassy an hour after 2nd pill I took. Too hard to type with headache but desperate for relief of infection, want to get this nightmare over with SOON. Hope this gets the swollen lymph nodes in neck to reduce size. Uncomfortable chewing food, jaw aches, think that's all I can share. Probably too much info but if it helps even 1 person.
Day three on this medication and I haven't had any horrible side effects. I'm still in pain. The Dr prescribed this to me for cellulitis. I'm wondering when it will kick in and take the pain away.
Is this med effective on infection of the gums or tooth?
I took this pill for a Urinary Track Infection.
I periodically get UTI's a few times a year.
I'm familiar with the early symptoms. I also know how to home treat a UTI.
Sometimes I luck out not needing to see a doctor. Not this time. I went to "Womens Health Specialists", and they prescribed me SMZ-TMP DS 800-160 MG, with a quantity of 6 pills, take 1 pill every 12 hours.
I have 2 pills left and feel I've been givin a placebo. I have better results with cranberry juice!!!!!
Terrible medication for the treatment of a UTI.
I have to make another appointment to see a different doctor.
It worked well for me. Your daughter should have taken this with food and have started drinking lots of water wile on this just like it says to do on the label. Not doing so can cause a bad reaction. One being sores all over the body. I hope everything turns out alright in the end for her.
My Daughter has been on this medicine for 2 weeks now, shes worse now than before.BAD BAD Headaches, LOSS of appetite, she had pneumonia & he gave her this medicine, 3 times shes been back to see him nothing done shes only gotten worse, today she broke out in a BAD RASH all over her body, we have an apt, with this Dr, today, this is it, she had back pain no kidney infection, he said the pain in her back was from the pneumonia, but he still put her on this. Today when i finally looked this medicine up and seen all the complaints & all the same reactions my daughter has had is from this medicine, just like the others listed here, why? do they even prescribe this when its not even for what the problem is,,, I guess you have to be a Dr. anymore before you go to see one I guess...
I hope you are still reading this post, i also am taking this for staph infection. 10-day course. May i ask how long you had to take it to get rid of the staph infection? This is a nasty infection and I have 3 days left of medicine and the sores are still kind of there.
I started this med last night. I have a bladder infection. After reading reviews, doctors are prescribing this med for almost anything & everything. Quite bizarre! Many people, like myself are nauseated, headaches, etc.. My equilibrium was way off also. Bad Drug for me! Too bad people with less money cannot be treated the same as others. We're the guinea pigs I guess! Had to call doc and have him prescribe the Bactrim DS.....non-generic. Healthcare has now become the rich mans luxury, instead of every mans necessity, thanks to Obamacare..not!!
The doctor give me this medicine but it doesn't work -.- why they give me medicine that doesn't work on my body tho.
I was on Bactrim the first time 48 years ago for bladder infection. I took it many, many times over 30 years with no side effects. I was on it prophylactically all that time. Then I got a nosocomial (hospital acquired ) infection from a suprapubic catheter after surgery & became resistant to it, except for one certain bacteria. I've noticed it made me queasy last time. I'm pretty sure it must be the fillers. I'm bummed that I can
reading all the reviews, I guess I was lucky!
the first day I had a little cramping for a little bit and a hot flash
and I had like noooooo appetite all 3 days. its been great losing weight!
but my stomach didn't feel too good sometimes, and I have been really gassy, but that could be from this other pill I just started taking as well.
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