Smz/tmp Ds 800-160 Tab Interpharm Details (Page 5) (Top voted first)


I would like details about SMZ/TMP DS 800-160 tablets by Interpharm.

158 Replies (8 Pages)

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Today is my second day and i feel im dienig gave me high fevesr ever time i take them ... Wat eals is their to take instead of these pills????

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I felt totally fine on it as long as I drank enough water. It was when I didn't drink enough water that I was sick to my stomach the entire day.

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My doctor prescribed sepstra DS 800-160 TAB, 1 tab every 12 hours to address an infection on my thigh resulting from a small wound caused by a garden tool. Treatment began 4 days ago, and as of today the inflamed area has doubled in area (now a puffy and red area about 3 inches, in diameter. What should I expect from this treatment?

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I actually just got notified yesterday that my strain was resistant to this antibiotic - so now I am on Enthromycin now for 7 days instead - so this antibiotic might not be effective afterall ;p

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I'm having the same side effects , I've been taking this medicine for a week an half .. But i'm dealing with cause i had a really bad lower urinary tract infection .. My whole body hurts and i'm always sleep .. Not really having any trouble eating , it actually makes me want to eat more .. I'll have 2 doses left so i'm going to finish and if the pain and stuff don't go away i going back to the er ..

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I was put on this med 2day nd feel really funny ive been on antibiotics for 2 years nd will be on them the rest of my life. I guess wht I'm asking does the side effects go away in time, because my cancer dr is planning on me taking this med 6mons to a year??

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Probiotics should be taken with this and all antibiotics. The antibiotics kill all bad bacteria, but also the good bacteria. It needs to be replaced. I take my probiotics with yogurt, It soothes the stomach and promotes intestinal flora.

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I have a staph infection wich came out of no where. I went to the Doc and she said I need a shot in my butt ant to take sms/tmp ds 800-160 tab interpharm twice a day for 10 days. I haven't had any side effects and I've been drinking tons of water. The water helps the liver process the pills. If u get staph wash your hands in warm water cause its contagious.

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i was bit by a brown rekluss spider behind my right ear. 2 weeks ago waited 6 days before i went to the hospital. I'm allergic to penicillin. they gave me Keflex and this med. WHY???????

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anitbotic for what

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I have horrific pain in my neck and shoulders. I've been taking the med for 3 days. not sure if i should stop taking it. can't get a hold of my dr. also having trouble swallowing have to work 12 hour shifts so can't take off during dr office hours.

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I started taking this med 8 days ago. The first three days I was nauseated and throwing up at night. Everytime I took a dose I would run a fever for 4 or more hours. Once the fever broke I felt alot better. Then on day 8 I have spots all over my body. They look like tiny blood blisters. When to the doctor and apperantly I have a sulfate allergy. I ws switched to a different med for my staph infection.

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All antibiotics can cause nausea and diarrhea. Taking a good probiotic will help stop that. Antibiotics don't just kill the 'bad germs' that make a person sick, but also kill off the good germs in the stomach also. Probiotics, (or eating yogurt if you can) will put the 'good germs' back in the stomach stopping this kind of side effect. The best ones are usually refrigerated and you can ask for them at Dillions or Walgreen's. They can also keep a person from getting a yeast infection too.

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Taking this antibiotic for a staph infection, I gotta say...I HATE IT! I feel worthless, totally exhausted and have basically no appetite and my first dosage it made me so nauseous and dizzy I almost passed out. Im not even seeing any real difference in my infection site....

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Took one dose of this medication for ear infection. Within 10 minutes, my whole body started itching horribly. I took two benedryls and two claritin to calm my body down. this was during hurricane sandy. I didn't want to leave my home to go to the hospital. It was so bad my eyes and lips were itching so bad to the point were I scratched my lips raw along with the horrible yeast infection. It was utterly, horribly ridiculous. this medicine is a nightmare.

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Thank you for all the posts. Have taken this med for 7 days and UTI (I hope) is cured. For that, I am grateful. As a side effect, have felt somewhat quesey and I do continue to feel fatigue two days after running the course.

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I took 1 pill and about 2 hrs. later,my lower back, hips ,legs (even the part behind my knees) , I was so much pain I almost call for an ambulance . I started drinking alot of water and cranberry juice, took excedrin and alka seltzer ( that's all I had available).after several hours back eased off, than more and more hours legs eased off. Now 36 hours later ,back is well, but behind my both knees is painful and left inside elbow is still painful. Is this a normal reaction ? I will never take another Septra-DS tablet.Should I see my dr. now or wait to tell him on next visit?

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Likewise, I have taken this medication for combat a case of cellulitis in my lower leg, ankle and foot. No noticeable side affects and this drug saved my leg and life.

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I am on day 9 of this medicine, and I think this is the only antibiotic that has really ever made me feel strange. I have been really depressed at night, anxious, head feels hot but no fever, just not right. I'm thinking my infection has cleared, and I am not going to take any more of these pills. Very thankful for all the positive and negative feedback; I'm sure it does work for some, and I'm glad to know I'm not alone with those who have dealt with side effects.

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A PA gave this med to my husband for a crushed forefinger with open wound which was discovered to be infected upon removal of sutures. Hubby had ALL the side effects and the worse being... A Sinus Infection which came forth the last 3 days of taking meds. Nose bleeds, headaches, tiredness, gas, loose stools, you name it...Bad thing is... the wound is still open and oozing infection. So much for Workmans Comp rules of treatment... Urgent Care, PAs' and making a patient wait almost 4 hours to be seen or treated.

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