Smz/tmp Ds 800-160 Tab Interpharm Details (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I would like details about SMZ/TMP DS 800-160 tablets by Interpharm.

158 Replies (8 Pages)

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This was very helpful i have a pilonidal cyst and they prescribed me this medicine it's only been two days but I'm in so much pain I'm just ready for it to pop i don't want to have surgery on it that's doing to much..

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I feel a sinus infection present and I have a full prescription of smz/tmp so I was glad to see it is used to treat sinus infections. I hope I don't suffer from side effects but I will give them a try.

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Been takin this pill for five days for a stahf infection only got sick once think i didnt drink enough water..other than that its done Wonders to the infection..highly recommended for stahf infections..

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I started this med last night. I have a bladder infection. After reading reviews, doctors are prescribing this med for almost anything & everything. Quite bizarre! Many people, like myself are nauseated, headaches, etc.. My equilibrium was way off also. Bad Drug for me! Too bad people with less money cannot be treated the same as others. We're the guinea pigs I guess! Had to call doc and have him prescribe the Bactrim DS.....non-generic. Healthcare has now become the rich mans luxury, instead of every mans necessity, thanks to Obamacare..not!!

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My Daughter has been on this medicine for 2 weeks now, shes worse now than before.BAD BAD Headaches, LOSS of appetite, she had pneumonia & he gave her this medicine, 3 times shes been back to see him nothing done shes only gotten worse, today she broke out in a BAD RASH all over her body, we have an apt, with this Dr, today, this is it, she had back pain no kidney infection, he said the pain in her back was from the pneumonia, but he still put her on this. Today when i finally looked this medicine up and seen all the complaints & all the same reactions my daughter has had is from this medicine, just like the others listed here, why? do they even prescribe this when its not even for what the problem is,,, I guess you have to be a Dr. anymore before you go to see one I guess...

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what is best for infected tooth. I have this drug and was thinking it might help. have a full bottle of it. what do you think ????

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I took 2 doses of this medicine and ended up in the ER with a splitting headache, after I threw up everything I have eaten since the 3rd grade! I was disoriented and had trouble relating what was wrong to the doctors. After 5 hours in the ER with an IV, anti-nausea and pain meds... I was able to return home. Never take this medicine!

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This medicine made me tired and upset stomach I could hardly get out of bed it didn't really help at all had to get something different

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Was prescribed this pill instead of ointment for bad case of eczema. They told me to avoid heat and sun. How is this possible in the middle of the summer?! I live in the desert and we're in a drought. To make things better (I'm being sarcastic) the AC was out at my work for a week. Bottom line I itched like crazy and broke out in small blisters on my skin that got exposed to the sun. Stopped taking it about 2 weeks ago, itching went away. Ditto with upset stomach and headaches.

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I quit taking this stupid pill. The pain went away in my ear but I felt nausea, weak from being incredibly drowsy, unable to sleep at night, almost like sucidal, depressed out of no where, chills at night!!! This pill has awful side effects! Do not take it!!!

pill: smz/tmp ds 800-160 tab interpharm

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taking medicine for bronchitis, the generic smz/tmp ds-800-160 tab. I noticed after two days blood in my urine, and now today, alot of blood in my urine. freaking me out... and I am still coughing and wheezing from the bronchitis... help!

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Try a probiotic - I got Florajen3
Really helped with nausea/stomach
It's suppose to stop diarrehea as well

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Tj, I was prescribed this medicine for skin infection. I had a major headache,upset stomach, fatigued, itching really bad; wake up in the night sweating. I was totally delirious so I stopped taking it. I was feeling better after a couple of days.

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Took only 2 days for me to have an allergic reaction to the SMZ/TMP DS 800-160
Developed banger of a headache on day 2 shortly after taking one. My neck also "locked" up with excrutiating pain and it triggered a major flare of pain with my already bad OA. Lips swelled and got sores in my mouth...could barely eat a sandwich last night.
Didn't realize it was the med til after the fact when it dawned on me what was happening was all new. That's when I backtracked to what new med had I started and discovered this is the culprit:)
No ever going to take any kind of sulfa drug again, the risk just isn't worth it.

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i know the samething happen to me my face was swelling my thorat strated to close i could not see out of bothh my eyes i couldn't drink water r eat ant type of food

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Have been on smz/tmp ds 800-160 so far for four day and now I am coughing up blood in my sputum I dont know if this is a side effect as I dont see anyone post this side effect I am waiting to go on a lung transplant list and the doctor says I need this med to clear up a ongoing lung infection

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I am on my second day of this and my head hurts so bad it's like a migraine. And I have slight dizziness, unsteadiness, slight nausea, tired and dull witted.

Better this than Cipro though. That stuff is really bad! It made me "trip", nauseous, thinking bad thoughts, laughing one second and crying the next, couldn't focus my eyes and I was confused.

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i just learned i got a cysts on my jaw starting a medicen i dont like the sound of the side effects and i have to run a freaking 2 miles every day in 110 degree weather lets hope i dont need to go to the hospital pray for me!!

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taking smz/tmp ds800-160 ta for urinary tract infection (in reading this site ususual for men, i am 70. I have a very very slight rash on my arms, otherwise no sides, but I do feel a thousand times better taking this med for 2 days, pharmacist said if get rash stop the med, my doc is out of town until monday, i do not want to stop since it is helping me so much. monday when doc back in town will get results of culture. rash does not bother me if it will not cause further complications. thanks

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Hi Kenny I am taking the same medication for the same reason and I am 70 .I feel mildly depress and sleepless but I am also recovering from shoulder surgery. Therapy exercises are very painful and recovery is very slow I have very limited use of my arm. So honestly I can not blame it on the medication which I have been taken for the last 7 days no other side effects that I can tell

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