Smz/tmp Ds 800-160 Tab For Itchy Red Spots (Top voted first)
UpdatedI have an open wound It burns. I have been cleaning with peroxide and using Neosporin It's now red around it. Don't know how I got it. Also I have tiny red spots, maybe ant bites or poison ivy. They itch. Because of these I can't sleep. I have a few SMZ/TMP. Can I use them.?
2 Replies
Hello, Cindy! How are you?
Actually, you shouldn't be using peroxide on it, it can actually damage the surrounding healthy tissue and delay or prevent healing. In most cases, when it is used, it's just for the initial cleaning of the wound, but usually, your better off just cleaning it with soap and water.
Have you consulted your doctor? You should have this checked out, especially since it's gotten red around it and you have those other tiny spots. This might not be the right antibiotic to treat it, or you may not have enough to complete a full course of treatment to completely eradicate the infection.
The FDA classifies this medication as an antibiotic and its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache, non-allergic skin rash and diarrhea.
Is there anything else I can help with?
Re: Verwon (# 1)
I have poison ivy n it is bad but Dr can't see me for few days. I have SMZ/TMP pills can I use it
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