Side Effects,is There A Dr.who Specializes In Them,?
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I am the lucky one in 500,that gets,about every side effect there is to medications,I have to be really careful in what I take and am given.Even when I tell the drs,Im extremely sensitive to alot of meds, seems to pass them rite by...Is there a dr.who can.GIVE other options or alternatives,?

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I totally agree with you on luck of the draw finding a Dr. who listens. I'm consistently saying I'm extremely sensitive to a lot of medications, only to be prescribed, again another med I cannot take. I'm suffering from dizziness, high pitched ringing. The ER gave me meclazine, after I said I am sensitive to a lot of meds. I got a side effect..I cant take the sudafed my dr. prescribed because it makes me dizzier..? geez!...I do ask the pharmacist about side effects..I end up going home n tossing meds, or taking a which, I end up with the side effects..I will ask a pharmacist if there's an alternative...

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Oh, I am with you, I have the same problem and frequently end up with medications that I can't take, without becoming sick and miserable.

Unfortunately, most doctor's don't know all the possible side effects that any given medication may cause, because they are not required to study them in as much detail as a pharmacist, or other pharmaceutical techs. Thus, most doctors only know the most common side effects listed.

It is really imperative to ask your pharmacist, or research it yourself, by using a site like this one, or the monographs provided by the FDA and/or the NIH.

In most cases, a list of related/alternative medications is also provided.

Otherwise, it's really luck of the draw on finding a doctor that actually listens.

What medications do you take and what problems are you experiencing?

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