Rumoquin Long Term Effects
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I am taking Rumoquin NF every 2 days. I had hip pain and lower back pain from a double level fusion done in 1982. Almost all my pain has gone. This medication is amazing. However, I am concerned about the long term side effects of using steroids. What would you recommend for someone in my situation? Thanks in advance for any feedback.

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I am thinking of taking Rumoquin NF for intense arthritic foot pain. I have had surgery with bone fusion, pins and more. The Dr. states I cannot have more relief because of the extensive arthritis in my feet. I do have cortisone shots when possible. I cannot stand for more than an hour, or walk more than a few minutes due to pain, and that is with use of Percocet and Gabapentin. Will Rumoquin NF be a problem with those meds, or is it something that may help me become more mobile with the easing of my pain? I am willing to try anything that will not cause harm. Thank you.

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Top Answer
Rumoquin N.F. made by Schoen Lab in Mexico contains the following active ingredients: Methocarbamol (215mg) + Indomethacin (25mg) + Betamethasone (0.75mg). As with any medication taken long term, only you and your doctor can decide if the possible benefits to you outweigh the potential risks. However, you can view a brief side effect profile for each active ingredient below to help make a more informed decision upon consulting with your doctor.

Side effects of Methocarbamol are listed as follows:

  • drowsiness
  • dizziness
  • upset stomach
  • blurred vision
  • fever
  • black, blue, or green discoloration of urine
[1] Methocarbamol Side Effects (MedlinePlus)

Side effects of Indomethacin are listed as follows:

[2] Indomethacin Side Effects (MedlinePlus)

Side effects of Betamethasone are listed as follows:

  • burning, itching, irritation, stinging, redness, or dryness of the skin
  • acne
  • unwanted hair growth
  • skin color changes
  • bruising or shiny skin
  • tiny red bumps or rash around the mouth
  • small white or red bumps on the skin
[3] Betamethasone Side Effects (MedlinePlus)

I hope this helps!
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