Round White Pill V 2355 (Page 3)


round white pill with v inprinted on front and 2355 on back

52 Replies (3 Pages)

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So then is this pill just basically a Tylenol of some sort.

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Regarding what MigraineSucks said, you need to replace the word "NARCOTIC" with "Controlled substance". Narcotics are meds containing opiates and the like; also coke and derivatives. This medication contains neither. It IS a CONTROLLED SUBSTANCE though... as to why you need to show your license when you pick it up. Drugs can be a controlled substance and not a narcotic- but narcotics are always controlled substances. Hope I helped someone understand! :)

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Migraine pill. They just gave me one at the hospital

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It is not hydrocodone it is a pill with caffeine asprin and butalbital. Not listed as a narcotic. The brand name is Fiorcet and is given for minor migraine headaches

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Is it a norco or another form of pain pill, and is it safe to take? I have to take a drug panel on the 30th of this month and am wondering if it will turn up as hydrocodone.

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By far you are correct it is a barbituate migraine med not narcotic. CG from SC

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Re: Misty (# 40) Expand Referenced Message

This non narcotic pill is not available in an over the counter formulation. It is prescription only.

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Re: Angellica (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

If you are an RN you got your degree from a Cracker Jack box.

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Re: smiley (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I take this pill. It's generic fioricet. It's for Migraines. It's never helped me with other pain. I take morphine and dilaudid for pain

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What med has 2355 on one side and v on the other side?

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Re: Ash (# 50) Expand Referenced Message

Please see reply # 1 for your answer ...

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Re: Mommabrit (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

Depends on the state you live in. California has it now listed as a Class I narcotic.

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