Inactive Ingredients:
- Croscarmellose Sodium
- Anhydrous Lactose
- Magnesium Stearate
- Cellulose, Microcrystalline
- Silicon Dioxide
- Stearic Acid
I found a cellophane with a bunch of these pills in my sons room. They are small, white and round. On one side the inscription is 44 over 462 and the other side is blank. Can anyone identify these pills for me?
These are Phenylephrine HCL 10mg. They are used to treat sinus stuffiness from colds, allergies, etc. They are over the counter and made by LNK International, Inc.
small round white pill, blank on one side, 44 over 438 on other side ## round white pills with 44 over 438 on one side a...
## Is it a logo, with 4440 over 100 on the opposite side? If so, the tablet contains 100mgs of Gabapentin, the active in...
Found a small round pill, has that V on one side of it, other side is 54 over 583. Seeing mixed answers on these numbers...
one side smooth and the other G over 1. The pill is round. ## white round pill with G over 1 on one side ## This is anot...
found it in my brothers room is he abuseing drugs please help me know ## This tablet contains 15mgs of Meloxicam, which ...
Capital M over M on one side (the two m's are separated by a score) and an impressed "v" shape on the other ...
What is this pill? For the life of me I can't seem to find out what it is anywhere! It's about the size of an ex...
approx 7mm in diameter, one side is plain the other has a line across with CD on the top and C below the line. ## Hi Peg...
Round white pill scored on one side with m over z or 2 blank on the other side ## Hello, Chozie! How are you? I'm so...
i have a round white pill with TEVA one one side and a C over a 2 on the other side. Does anyone know what this is ## Hi...