Round Orange Pill 0805 And Av On The Back (Top voted first)


Found this pill in my kid's pocket before doing laundry and we want to know what kind of pill it is?

4 Replies

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Hi Tammy,

Does your pill look anything like the one depicted in the following NDC link? - 0603-5482

Is the V cursive-like? - If so, this may be the logo for Qualitest (formerly known as Vintage Pharmaceuticals).

Is there a score line separating the 08 | 05?

Thanks for any feedback you might have on this. I haven't located any other pills that resemble it more closely as of yet.

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It's actually Senna, a stool softener. I was prescribed this after giving birth to my son. I found it in my house a year and a half later and was looking it up online by the numbers and initials when I found your post.

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Found light orange with 0805 one side and AV on the other.Can you tell me what itis?

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Re: Gemma (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Hey are you sure that’s what this is I just took one at my moms house it was in a baby aspirin bottle and no one at the pharmacy has been able to identify but the pharmacist said it could possibly be a laxative

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