Round Yellow Pill By Teva
UpdatedI've recently found These small round yellow pills by Teva. They have Teva imprinted on one side and nothin on the other. I know this is oxycodone but what Mg
4 Replies
These are 40mg oxycodone. Generic for 40mg oxycontin. My patients like these much better than the Generic OP imprints. Be careful These are ver habit-forming medications. Glad i could help.
I actually can't confirm what these are, as they are not listed in any of our U.S. prescription drug resources and they are also not included on Teva's own U.S. website.
Did you receive them from a pharmacy? Was it in the U.S.?
Hi I have fibromyalgia / M.E , I was in so much pain all over coz I'm looking after my husband who is dying of brain cancer.. He gave me some of his OxyContin and it work wonders for me so now my gp is giving me some 120 mg for the last 6 months but it's not helping anymore and need to have it higherd so I can cope from day to day with my pain... Stress is causing me more pain and trust me I'm under a lot of stress , I had cancer at 21 had a complete hysterectomy , my husband is dying from cancer and my mum has breast cancer... I'm flaring in pain all over but my doctor won't give me a higher does but I need to be out of pain to look after my family :-( don't know what to do but have found out he is unlicensed to prescribe me it but he is.. Any help with help me x
With all do respect you just depending on this druf to feel better im sorry to say you have started a addiction for your self my best advice is to slow down and trt taking less than whay your taking now we ade humans we are mentally strong and physically strong i understand you mughy be going think pain and these worked for you, but i promise you its gonna end up makinf your situation worst cuz now your depending on this pharmaceutical drug and down the line when you are in so much pain it will eventually lead to street drugs. Telling you this because i fell victim to this situation. So please be careful may god bless you and live ones. I pray your family and yourself get better but ya you need to try decrease than increase cuz your starting to love the high its giving you. Dont takr affense to what im saying im just being just bein real .. And the teuth might hurt but. Thats whats going on with you now
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