Round White Pill With R053 On One Side 1 Line Other (Top voted first)
Updatedsmall round white pill with on one side it has R and under it is the # 053, on other side they have a line like to break it in half easier. this is the correct #s on the pill. if this helps any1 if it were blue it would be generic Valium aka diazepam but this pill is white.
2 Replies
It's a round white pill with 053 on one side. I can't make out the logo. An R or D. I was told this was an adderall.
Diazepam is manufactured in the USA by these manufacturer' addition to the rare Roche Brand
1. Barr
2. Mylan
3. Qualitest
4. Teva of Israel USA division
5. UDL
6. Watson
Diazepam is also sold to Compounding Pharmacies in bulk powder to be made on a M.D's orders such as a
suppository, or a combination medication, with other ingredients, per specific instructons of the DEA licensed M.D. by
1. Gallipot
2. Medisca
3. Spectrum
Diazepam is also offered in solution for either I.V injection, as well as for I.M. injection, by the following in additon to Roche Brand liquids..
1. Baxter
2. Hospira
Diazepam is also available by "Repack ethical pharmaceutical wholesalers", such as..............
1. 4u
2. Aldarex
3. Allscripts
4. Altura
5. Byrant Ranch
6. Core
7. DHS Inc
8. DispenseExpress
9. Dispensing Solutions
10. Drx
11. HomeMed
12. IPI
13. Keltman Pharma Inc.
14. McKesson Packaging
15. Nucare Pharma
16. Palmetto
17. PD-Rx Pharm
18. Pharma Pac
19. Phys Total Care
20. Physician Partner
21. Quality Care Products
22. Southwood
23. St Mary's MPP
24. Stat Rx
Source: REDBOOK Pharmacy's Fundamental
Reference 113th year of publication pages 383,
384, 385. published by PDR Inc. marketed by
Thomson-Reuters ISBN 9 781563 637063
"There are several USA made pill identify websites on the world wide internet, just use your favorite search engine. Foreign manufactered pills may be a daunting task to has to dig deeper.....................
it is not unusual for some foreign pharmaceutical firms to not have embossments as in all USA brand and generic meds. perhaps a minority of foreign meds, without any embossments.
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