Ropinerole (Top voted first)


Am taking Ropinerole for restless leg syndrome. Am experiencing a lot of weight gain since I've been on it. Has anyone else had trouble with this side effect? Have changed nothing else.

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Have been on Ropinerole for about 7 months now. Started out on 0.5 mg. (1/2 tab in PM ). Gradually increased to 1 tab, then 1 1/2 tab in PM. Current dose seems to work the best but this is the dose where I have experienced the weight gain. Don't know if just a coincidence. Have checked other meds. for restless legs and some do list weight gain as a side effect. Ropinerole does not. Have tried to stop taking it but my legs keep me from getting any rest. Don't know which is worst - no sleep or weight gain? Would like to find something else to help. If anyone one has any suggestions I would appreciate hearing from them.KOPW

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Have you discussed it with your doctor?

While it isn't listed as a common side effect, it has been known to cause this in a small percentage of people that use it. It's also been known to cause compulsive eating.

Like I said, there are rare occurrences, but they have been reported.


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