Rivaroxaban Reviews (Top voted first)


My dad has just started taking this after a stroke and 3 TIAs. He has 15mg per day. He has taken it for 4 days but has blood in his urine and the white of his eye is very red and looks odd. Should he stop taking it or will these side effects disappear once his body gets used to it?

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hi, I'm no expert but I'm pretty knowledgeable when it comes 2 medicine, to me it sounds like it might be too much medication, i know the drug thins the blood and that might be why he's pissing blood, and could be why his eyes are red as feel, from the blood being extremely thin, i am not a doctor tho so if i were you i would defenetly contact your physician and figure out exactly what the problem is just to be safe.

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Apparently, side effects involving bleeding are fairly common with this drug. The side effect profile lists the following symptoms:

-bloody, black, or tarry stools
-blood in urine
-coughing up or vomiting blood or material that looks like coffee grounds
-bleeding from your gums
-blurred vision

If you experience any of these symptoms, I would also urge you to contact your doctor immediately, since they can be very serious.

Ref: nlm.nih.gov/medlineplus/druginfo/meds/a611049.html#side-effects

You can learn more about this drug on the page for Rivaroxaban Details

I hope this info helps!

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My mother was taking this blood thinner.She was only 60 years old, she had only taken 1 or two of them because she had just started taking the xarelto, which is the same as rivaroxaban. She began bleeding in her brain and because there is no antidote the doctors could do nothing. She lapsed into a coma and passed away 3 days after she was hospitalized. My mother was a vibrant young lady, whom loved her family. Her life was cut short because of this GD drug. My advice from this very tragic experience, is to request other blood thinners that have an antidote. Coumadin is only one of many. Xarelto is a dangerous and fairly new drug and because the bleeding cant be reversed with an antidote, i believe it should not be on the market at all, especially when there is other medications that do have an antidote. Hope this was of some advice to anyone who sees this. IT JUST MIGHT SAVE A LOVED ONES LIFE! because its too late to save MY mothers!!!

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My son has had x4 DVT and been on warfarin for the past 3 years, with very irregular INR results one day 5 and 14 then given VitKW then back to 1.4 and actually been taking between 27 mg to 35 mg of warfarin. He was tested for Antiphospholipid, the results came back negative (I have APS with lupus antibodies) my daughter is APS.

Last week his INR went to 18.6 so was admitted urgently to A & E, after remaining in the hospital having vit k and more blood work the consultant realized/decided that the warfarin wasn't doing its job, so now he stated the Riveroxiban treatment, as a nurse I was very reluctant due to the bleeding and no back up Vit k to assist if a bleed occurred. But after talking to friends medical and the A/C nurse + hematologist it was a go so how things go ok. Good luck to you all cxx

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I was diagnosed with DVT and pulmonary embolism on July 8th and have been on rivaroxaban since then. Now I'm very tired all the time with no energy and have a muzzy head all the time. Could it be the pills or from the blood clots? I'm considering asking my g.p if I can stop the pills and try another type. Has anyone else felt like this?

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