Rhodes/purdue Buprenorphine Hcl 8mg Rp B8 Vs Roxanne 54 411 (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I have made the switch from the 8mg films to 8mg buprenorphine tablets only. With all the research I've done and experience I do my best to stay away from actavis mylan and nowadays sandoz. I noticed everyone has enjoyed the Roxanne now westward generics amongst hi-tech coming in second/mylan. I have no experience with mylan bup and don't want to take the risk even as mylan has always been a waste imo. I'm not a fan of allergan (actavis) taking over watson so depending on the drug dispenses I most stay away. There are as of now 7 manufacturers of generic buprenorphine hcl 8mg (generic subutex). They are in order of my preferred with not much experience except with brand name:

*roxanne (now westward pharma)- 54 411
*hi tech- 8 ^(arrow)
*mylan- M924
*teva (allergen/activas owned) crooked b 799
*actavis- moon 153
*sun pharma- 460 white round
[And the brand new released generic made by Purdue and distributed by Rhodes Pharmaceuticals the new Rhodes generic]
*RP b8- white round bevelled and pretending edges.

I currently have had a smooth switch to the Roxanne/westward and declined mylan, actavis, teva, hi tech, sun pharma as most research and reviews conclude the Roxanne/westward generics the 54 411 seem to be best reviewed. I was unable to find the Purdue/Rhodes pharma newly released generic RB b8 imprinted generic. All I know is Rhodes and Purdue are professionals in the process of making quality meds and not just quality meds but pain relief medication, as they even were the company to CREATE oxycontin. I was able to come across one image of them on the web and they look very similar to the Roxanne 54 411s in size color and mostly shape except for the rhodes/Purdue ones protrude or kind of pop out on each side beyond the bevelled edges. They look really well made and on one side they have RP and otherside b 8 which the b and 8 are fairly far apart. I have been doing great from switching from brand films to the Roxanne westward 54 411s so far. I'm hoping to get some feedback by next month on these newly released rhodes/Purdue generic buprenorphine hcl 8mg. They are the newest and just released October 2017 and look very shinny and quality made. I'm hoping someone here who has tried both the Roxanne/westward and the new Purdue ones imprinted RP b 8 tablets. I am going to try and have my pharmacy special order the new Rhodes generics made by Purdue again imprinted RP b 8 white round shinny tablets fairly similar to the Roxanne but look better quality imo but do not have much experience with generic just brand and am very well versed on pharma companies and their medicine and their quality each one has.

Has anyone tried these new rhodes/Purdue ones imprinted RP b 8? How would you compare them to the Roxanne 54 411 tablets... I hope for a response or it will be trail and error for me when ordering Rhodes next month if i stay on this route and will see how they compare to the Roxanne/westward but will not be til a month away. Please if you have any experience with these generics and especially the new rhodes/Purdue one let me know. Again I was able to locate only one image of them and they look great. They do not look small like hi tech more like a combined Roxanne and mylan with the shininess and how they pop out on each side..they look a little larger like the mylan and Roxanne not small like hi tech or teva or activas they are round tablet imprints RP b8 with b and 8 fairly far apart. Any feedback would be great and I would want to switch to rhodes/Purdue from roxanne (now westward being a factor) generics as they make quality are new just released and approved this year 2017 of October and no one how even mentioned them yet that I can find. With westward buying out Roxanne and them making changes a new generic made by Purdue may be just the one we have been waiting for and needing..again on the 54 411 ones now and looking for feedback on the new Purdue Rhodes ones and if the switch from Roxanne westward to rhodes/Purdue would be better maybe with better quality as they have always been a great and reputable company who makes outstanding drugs. Any feedback would be great.

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Re: Goozer (# 84) Expand Referenced Message

Use the one on 1700 s 1000 e they are amazing and will order what you want and get it by the next morning

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Charlene (# 148) --

I remember the Teva very well. They were the first generic and were football shaped like the original subutex. I wish they were still available because they were very close to the original subutex. Teva bought out Actavis so the Actavis buprenorphine I guess is now owned by Teva.....but they are NOT the same as the original Teva buprenorphine. I’m taking the 54 411’s currently because out of all the genetics this one and the Rhodes are the best out there.

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Re: Tim (# 152) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, I agree. I have been on buprenorphine 8mg since 2007 starting with brand name. Then came teva. Those were the closest generic to the original. Same shape and all. Well all I can say is they definitely ruined that one..I mean compared to orange half moon. To me they are at the bottom of my list...I'm on my second scrip now of Rhodes. It's a hard toss up between this one and the hikma buprenorphine. Brand..one think I really like about Rhodes is I have no after taste at all..plus they are beautiful well made perfect and shiny. They changed the inactive ingredients in the new hikma brand it doesn't mess with me at all.just the little crumbs it leaves behind after it melts...its to bad the big pharma just didn't mess around keep changing generics around. Keep one good one on the market and we all would not have hunt our generic of choice

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Re: Charlene (# 191) Expand Referenced Message

My doctor told me Teva brand of Buprenorphine isn’t available, in the pharmacies in the US. He wanted to put me on that brand because of the allergies I have to the fillers in Buprenorphine pills. When we were going through the different generic brand manufacturers that make Buprenorphine that’s when he told about Teva. I think it’s available overseas, just not in the US. I wish you can put screenshots of pictures in these comments. Then I can put the picture of the pill color of Teva I found, to show to you or anybody else.

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Re: Tina (# 202) Expand Referenced Message

Hi tina, well at least you have two brands of bup that work for you and your pain .. can you imagine if either one of those didn't work..mam a boat load of trouble... I'm curious how do you get your Mylan brand?? I have a friend who has all kinds of troubles trying to get it...I help her hunt around and I have found it almost impossible to get..so she qlso sticks to actvis... does not like the taste either but if you only have 2 to choose from, you take what you can get...I'm in Florida the main chain stores by me are Walgreens, Walmart.., CVS, target a Sam's and publix...I have called all these for her in my area with no luck, so I called Mylan company. They sent me a brochure told me yes its available but yet nobody can seem to get...... I was thinking of asking my mom n pop shop to do it for her, but my selfishness led me away because I got scared if I did that it might be a huge mistake for me if they continued to get..so I'm not going that route not even once.. I worked way to hard to find my own brand. AND BTW damn, I feel sorry for you and your illness that sounds horrible to deal with...I'm happy its gotten better. But it's still a huge problem..makes me wish I lived closer to you to be a good friend..I would help you so much..really I would...IF you ever just want a friend to lean on tho I'm here.. just we need to switch info somehow..ok. anything I'm here for you. Peace..

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I don't like the new RP b 8....They don't make me feel any better and they give me a bad headache and make my stomach weak feeling and I feel like I have to puke! 54 411, all the way!! But I have a question..how can you tell if 54 411 are fake? {edited for privacy}. Please let me know.

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Re: Goozer (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Disappointed not to get westward for the first time paying retail price. No difference, same taste. Same size as the the 54 411, alittle softer to break but if the rp is ultimately the same

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Re: T (# 315) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks for taking your time to explain it. I didn't even know that have a hard time giving it to someone for pain my 14 years of using was because of addiction. But the doctors here in Florida don't seem to have a problem prescribing it for either or and out of all the doctors I've seen in this time no doctor has ever mentioned it's about time to get off. All the withdrawals I tried to do have been just me alone and this last time I used a pain management dr. And still no luck. I'm 58 and I'm stating to think I'm probably will die using this medicine because I cannot get off.i remember when they started talking about using buprenorphine for pain..I just thought well it does work for my pain but my pain is to me not real pain when I would let's say compare myself to you .wayy back in the beginning of using it I remember telling my 2nd doctor I told him dqmn I don't even get headaches or backache anymore more I remember the the chuckle he gave and said that's good.back then a pain patients had not enen began it was unheard of. So when I hear people who take this for real pain I think how can that be. I wake up every morning with a small ache I thought pain pills worked better than bup for pain. Lol shows what I know. I'm happy its helped you out

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Re: goozer (# 322) Expand Referenced Message

Easier said than done Goozer. My state is more worried about keeping the almighty dollar, than really trying to help us folks, who are truly in serve pain. If your a addict no problem. I’m not. Plus I’m not in poverty. That’s another one of my problems. You can’t get the extra help if your in a certain income bracket. That’s how this crazy state works. I have insurance, but in order for me to have a handicapp van come and get me to take to a doctor appointment, my out-of-pocket expense is $60 there and $60 back. That’s ridiculous. Where I live, I don’t have many friends because, I didn’t grow up here. I stay to myself and I’m not a people person. I don’t know many people here I trust. The people I do trust, they are on medical leave themselves.

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Re: Charlene (# 319) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, it does. I can’t believe it either. I have my bad days, don’t get me wrong. On those days, I stay under my blanket and only get up to go to the bathroom. The opiates had to keep being up’ed and up’ed to work. I didn’t want to be on it anymore. So that’s why I got put on Buprenorphine. Plus with the opiate crisis going on, I’m glad I’m off the opiates. I have a high pain tolerance. So can take a lot of pain before I complain. There’s a lot of people, if they went through the type of pain I go through every day, they’d probably would’ve given up by now. I keep trying to push myself as best as I can. What started all of my problems was when I broke my back in 2009. I’ve always had problems with pain. I got diagnosed with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome on 5-27-2011. Type 1. I have other things that cause me to have pain too. I’m a completely mess as far as my body is concerned.

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Re: Charlene (# 229) Expand Referenced Message

I finally found a compound pharmacy a half hour away that ordered the Rhodes Purdue brand for me and if I bring my script in Monday they will fill it for next wed morning. Although I am kind of hesitant to switch from the Roxanne west Ward even though the last 2 fills the pills changed and are not as good. I'm just worried that the Rhodes purdue are not going to be as good as I am expecting and I'll regret it. I've been trying to find more evidence online saying that the Rhodes are better. Anyone else who has take the brand name years ago or the old Teva's can you say how these compare to them? Honestly I loved the brand and Teva's but was ok with the old roxanne but now the Roxanne is not as good. I'm on the fence?

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I just wanted to share this experience I had before deciding to switch from pain doctor to addiction doctor, since some were discussing methadone.

I was in a pain clinic for 3 yrs, I was prescribed 3- 7.5 oxycodone a day. When I said they weren't helping anymore Dr. added 5 mg methadone daily. I felt like it was a miracle drug, it kept pain away for hours. I asked if I could get 3 a day instead of the oxycodone. Denied.

I investigated a methadone clinic about an hour away. I made an appointment, when I was filling out paperwork I stated that I wasn't an addict, but that I was a pain patient and methadone was only relief that I had found. I get called into a side room, the nurse tells me I cannot be accepted into the program because I wasn't an active addict. I started crying and said that maybe I was and just didn't know it. She said it was too late, my info was already put into the system. I seriously felt like I was in the twilight zone. After telling some people about my experience, I got the nerve to call again a month later saying I was a addict but as soon as my name was typed in I was told I wasn't eligible. It boggled my mind that I was willing to pay $12/day and travel 2 hrs round trip for pain relief but was denied because I was honest.

Let me say before I get irate later on..I am grateful for discovering Buprenorphine 4 years after the clinic fiasco. It helps with my pain, taking a constant 8 to a 5 on most days. But I know that in my experience, methadone was far better at relieving the chronic pain. Now, about bupe.. I was on the patch for years before switching to the tablets when the "subutex/suboxone phenomenon" hit and I didn't know any different. But there is absolutely NO comparison. I don't care what brand tablet you are getting the absorption is absolutely horrifying! You couldn't take enough tablets to absorb what you get through the patch. The entire thing is like a scam? It's like a watered down drink, you need more of it for desired effect, but this is as if the actual liquor company is watering the vodka so even the bar owners don't know, let alone the bartender serving you. It's been proven by testing it but they are counting on alcoholics to both not care or not be able to do anything about it. Weird analogy, I know.

If they wanted to really help patients, whether for pain or addiction they would use the patches. They KNOW the body can barely use the bupe sublingually. Take into account just the differing amount of saliva per user, what they've eaten, drank, how long before they swallow etc. There's no way to get an accurate dose. No one will get same dose every time let alone different people absorbing the same amount of same medication. It would eliminate the need for naloxone, cut back on diversion, (bring used patches to get refills) the benefits are endless, but I bet 50% of Drs with sub privileges don't even know they exist.

We wouldn't be here debating which pill manufacturer is better based on a microgram difference, or inactive ingredients.. that much is true.

Thanks for letting me vent!

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Re: Shannon (# 335) Expand Referenced Message

I'm so happy for you. It's hard for us on this medacation because other than original brand name subutex, then teva, it was great, along came Roxanne/westward/now hikma and slowly they started going downhill while turning over with company's the 54 411s have become dull, with chips or broken chips in them I found it hard to even read the imprints on them I had to use a magnifying glass. I finally decided to call them to see what's up.. then finding goozer page here, he led me to Rhodes.. damn I practically owe it to him to find these it took a lot of phone calls and leg work but when your persistent enough you will find. Oh my huge difference the pills to me are just beautiful to look at nicely made , shiny perfect and to top it off I feel like I'm back on the original brand name subutex. I never thought I'd see that happening again. And they worked like a charm, usually for me sometimes talking a new form of generic bup. It might take almost a month for me to get used to it, not with these, it was a get go from day one, these pills are way to expensive to play around with so for my money I only want the best I can find, I will be willing to go out of my way for these, but with luck I had my pharmacy order them and because of the hit off at there pharmacy they actually called me to thank me because they said if I hadn't got there attention to Rhodes who knows when they might have gotten around to getting them.. good luck friend when I read your story full of joy, you almost brang tears to my eyes also

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Charlene (# 356) --

Thank you so much. I called at least 20 pharmacies originally looking for the 54 411s. The only pharmacy I found that had them said they couldn't take on any more patient's....I've never been told that by a pharmacy before. They were running out of them. So then I found a pharmacy that carried rhodes, that's when I researched and found this forum and decided to try them. I've had the best week I've had in over 3 months. It's a horrible thing when you can't get up and face the day and do the things you need to do. Iv enjoy simple things like walking my dog and restoring an old house. I could barely get up and suffer thru my chores on hi-tech after they took me of the 54s. Everyone else, my doc and my boyfriend, tried to make me feel pathetic. Like it was in my head. Real pain, real pain is no joke. Trying to function in real pain is very hard, then on top of the withdrawal from the medicine, the hitechs weren't even getting rid of the pain and sweats and back pain, and I even tried taking 2 at a time. I gave the hitechs 3 months, thinking maybe it was me. I even had the doctor up me to 3 a day, nothing helped. When the rhodes kicked in i didn't realize I was whispering aloud thank god, thank god, thank god, As tears of relief were in My eyes. Just so grateful for the relief. My boyfriend said wth are you saying? He is completely anti medication. He refuses to understand. Bc of way he sees ppl abuse subs and the way the gov is attacking it, he thinks it's bad. I may be depended, but I'm ok with that. He can't comprehend that pain I'm crippled with, and that without my meds I would not be able to follow him around and do all his bidding. Anyway I can take one rhodes 3x day, a half if I'm not doing anything, and I'm really good. I was taking 2 hitechs at a time, 4 a day and running out, and I was still sick. I remember the very first subutex. It was dream. Your right this is as close as it comes. My gratitude to find this forum is immense bc I would not have made the decision to try them had I not found you guys.

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Re: Shannon (# 367) Expand Referenced Message

Sounds like we have a lot in common. Everyone would say to me it's all in your head, humm not true at all if it was so how come a few months ago when I had to get the orange half moon, why was I so sick and nauseous I had to call my doctor for medacine for a month..or the fact that only 2 generics only have 8mg of bup and the others have 8.64mg equivalent to 8mgs of bup?..I have done subs since 2006 so I feel I know my bup. And just like your boyfriend, my husband doesn't take any medications. Forever he thought we are paying so much money for me to have a luxury pill..well in june I tried to detox off again he seen how I was going down hill badly ..now he gets it after all these years. He said he has come to realize I will probably die while taking these for so long..I'm much older than you and I have to say he might be right..thx again for your story it was great

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Re: Charlene (# 371) Expand Referenced Message

I’m sorry to hear this about you. I’ve on Buprenorphine a year now, I’ve decreased my 8mgs in the pm to 6mgs and in the am to 6mgs and I haven’t any problems. No nausea or anything. I’m trying to remain on a lesser dose, if possible. I’d like to go off of it completely. The specialist I saw in California said, I will have to take some type of heavy pain medication the rest of my life, in order to have any quality of life. My crippling and pain is so severe there’s nothing can be done. There’s no cure for my Syndrome and it’s a genetic Syndrome. All they can do is treat the symptoms and try to make me as comfortable as possible. I still have tons of pain daily, especially when I walk. Being on Buprenorphine is better than the other pain meds I was on prior to taking Buprenorphine. I’m happy with this medication, I don’t have a problem decreasing my medication. I do it slowly and keep at the decreased dose for awhile and then reduce again. I don’t do it really fast. You can’t do it that way. It will shock your body. It took me 5 months to wean myself off of 120mgs of morphine. I did it. I had no problems either. I did it by taking 10mgs at a time, strung out over 3 months, then for another month 5mgs for a month and the last month 2 1/2mgs for a month and then stopped it. That worked well. I had to do the same thing when I was on clonidine. That’s a blood pressure medication. I was on it for hot flashes while taking chemo for 6 years. Chemo will make you have hot flashes worse if you’ve had a hysterectomy. Mine were horrible on cancer treatment. Once it stopped the cancer treatment, I rarely have the hot flashes anymore.

I don’t understand the difference in the weight of these brands of Buprenorphine and why some people react differently than others. I hope you find what your looking for. In my state it seems there is only 2 brands of Buprenorphine you can get and it’s WestWard and Actavis, and some Hi-Tech until they run out. They may have already. No Mylan at all. We were able to get Mylan for awhile, but it’s been a long time now. I’m taking the Actavis brand, I don’t like the taste of it and it causes me to have heartburn every once in awhile. Otherwise it works well for my pain.

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Re: goozer (# 330) Expand Referenced Message

I get it. Why did you have to take your paperwork for a handicapp placard to a RX. I had to take to my Primany Care Physician and to my Pain Management Doctor. Not to the Pharmacy. They had to fill out the paperwork. I had to send it back in before my old placard expired. If not, it would’ve taken forever to go through process to start all over to get a new placard # and all. I also had to do the same thing for my drivers license. That paperwork had to be filled out by my Primart Care Physician and my Psychiatrist. They have to document every medication I take. So that way, when I’m driving, I won’t get in ny trouble with a controlled substance, in my system while driving. Or have problems with the medication in my vehicle. That flags my license a special way, so that way I will not get arrested for a DUI and go to jail. I’m able to drive with them in my system. If anybody has to take a controlled substance of any kind, they should put it on their drivers license. If you happen to get pulled over and your license doesn’t have the approval on it, and you haven’t passed all the tests, the cops can arrest you for a DUI for not having those things on your license, even if your not high. All you have to do is have the controlled substance in your blood steam to get arrested. I don’t know how many people do what I’ve done to my license, in my State, but it’s a good idea to do if your on Buprenorphine or any other type of controlled drug. I take 3. I definitely needed my license done that way. I’m glad, because me and my husband travel a lot, so if we ever get pulled for something, they can’t do anything to me, because I’ve passed all the proper tests and have all the approvals to drive with the medications in my system. I always make sure I dot my I’s and cross my T’s before I do anything. You should get that done too. If it’s available in the State you live in.

Your also right about the pain thing, people who really need this medication don’t get the proper help and we are looked at as another drug addict. We really need this medication for pain. It’s not fair that we are put in a minority class of people, do to our pain situation. We should be treated just like all other patients who are on other pain medications, besides Buprenorphine. Like if your on an opiate they don’t have a problem with you. I don’t understand that at all. Plus Buprenorphine, really wasn’t manufactured to treat addicts in the beginning. It was to treat people with pain and people who are allergic to Narcan. That’s my understanding why it was manufactured. Also to give to recovering pregnant women, because they don’t know what Narcan would do to the Fetus. That’s what I’ve been told. Maybe someday, we will be looked at in the same way.

You need to get your handicapp placard done. Especially if your in so much pain. It sucks to walk a long distance if your in pain.

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Charlene (# 372) --

Thanks I dropped of my script at that pharmacy A few minutes ago and they said they only stock Rhodes now. So my script should be ready Wednesday morning good willing. I asking have the west Ward ready in case at old pharmacy. I also was on a higher dose for many years 5 8mg a day. 75 with a refill a month. Now my new doctor cut it down at first my insurance company said we're not paying for more than 2 a day so I went from 40mg to 16mg in a month a few years ago...! Sucked. I get 20 mg day now but I wish I had the extra to help out.

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Re: Charlene (# 362) Expand Referenced Message

I'm supposed to pick up my script tomorrow morning at that new pharmacy of the Rhodes Purdue. Hopefully all goes as planned! I'll report back when I get home and give an honest report on them. I'll try and post some pictures somewhere also because there seems to be none online except for a blurry one from the manufacturer I think. I ran low this month and I'm in a bit a withdrawal which sucks but I'll be able the really feel the effect of them better. I'm really not biased when I take a new brand. I go in completely hopefully. I've been reading lots of people's comments over the years and I've noticed that most of the people that like brands such as mylan, hi tech or sun (which I personally think are garbage) tend to be on lower doses like under 16mg daily. I don't know what that has to do with it but just an observation. Also the couple of people that have commented on Rhodes Purdue and said they didn't like them also said in previous posts that they liked sun or mylan which completely nullified thier opinion in my eyes.

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Re: Bobby (# 384) Expand Referenced Message

Well good luck Bobby,..I'm so sure enough to say you will be pleased with the results of Rhodes. In a way maybe it's a good thing your in slightly withdrawal, if that's even a good thing. Lol but once you take just one your probably going to think why did I wait so long to get these??. And I hear ya. I have ran short of my bup, way more than I'd like to admit myself. But it happens..and ya, it definitely sucks..what I have noticed that while using Rhodes for 3 months now, it's the first time I never ran short from taking that extra one because you will not need that extra one. I used to have to take 2 first thing in the morning. Not anymore one does the trick..my doctor wants me on 4 a day but my insurance company will only pay for 3 a day.im still working on that..my doctor is new fresh out of college. She told me 16mg is not enough to get someone around the clock..I have had doctors tell me I only give 2 take it or leave it, I took it because at the time I had no doctor and needed one for 8 months I was so sick with no idea why..I thought maybe did bup stop working for me after all these years? That's when I bumped into this new doc. She said no wonder your so sick you need at least 3 to 31/2, maybe 4. I don't see how anyone could just make it on 2 daily. I had been spending so much money on doctors trying to figure out why I had been so I'll for so long? This new doc pinned it down in one visit and I'm back to normal again feeling great

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