Rhodes Pharmaceuticals Percocet (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I have been taking 10/325 for years and my pharmacy filled this one with Rhodes pharmaceutical product. I have been taking now for 3 days. I have been sick to my stomach, neck, and jaw pain and it does not relief the pain it is prescribed for. Why could this be?

65 Replies (4 Pages)

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Re: David (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

i truly doubt it is the acetaminophen they have been taking another brand for years
rhodes imo does not have a decent product ---- i have not used the oxicodone but
have had the hydrocone ---- to no releif and queazy stomach as well --- fda needs
to crack down on these sub standard manufacturers --- the govt cuts the mg of
medicine you can get they should at least make the makers of that medicine make
a good product ---- any ways be well and may you find releif so you can have a good
quality of life

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Susan, i had same problem, only i have disease and lipoma of the spine. I have no neck bones because of surgery done. Worst pain I've ever been through. Would rather take cannabis then take their nasty pills they sell. No wonder they're going bankrupt...

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Re: Ellen (# 54) Expand Referenced Message

This I believe because one month half sick when I took rhodes brand, then I switched to a different manufacturer. Feeling better now. Best regards.

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I am having the same reaction. I called my pharmacist. I want the medicine tested.

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The generics they force on us are for the most part not made in the US. Also generics do not have 100% of the effective ingredient, that is why they are garbage. I hate generics! Rhodes is nasty! I try to get name brand and the pharmacy says they can’t get it. I don’t believe that. Any generic these days is useless and loaded with fillers that have made me sick too. I’ve been asking to get name brand, I will pay for it. Generics are garbage. You are having a reaction to the fillers I would bet. I’ve had some of the same too. What was the brand name of the Percocet before you were given Rhodes? I’ve noticed these nasty pharmacies are all in this together in using the same generics. I had to change pharmacies because the generic they were promoting gave me severe side affects. Take what you have left to your doctor and let them know the side affects and have them write a new prescription so you can go to a pharmacy that doesn’t carry Rhodes. I’ve been through so much because of crummy generics. I know how you feel. Let your doc know. Good luck and keep us posted.??

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