Rhodes Pharmaceuticals Percocet (Page 4)
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I have been taking 10/325 for years and my pharmacy filled this one with Rhodes pharmaceutical product. I have been taking now for 3 days. I have been sick to my stomach, neck, and jaw pain and it does not relief the pain it is prescribed for. Why could this be?

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Since switching to Rhodes Percocet 10/325 for severe Crohns pain..(41 years of Crohns stricturing and narrowing of intestine) I am in MORE pain, stomach distention and unable to do most anything. I know about "fillers" and still don't have the ingredients. I am however suspect that LACTOSE is one, as I get the same effects from a few tsps. of ice cream. Being severely lactose intolerant, it should be a warning on their label...as tho could have sent me to the ER.

I am furious with these pharmacies, CVS, Right Aide, Walgreens, that continually switch brands knowing patients are sensitive to these ingredients, and familiar generic brands the body gets acclimated to. Now I have to suffer intolerable pain while caring for my disabled child, waiting for a new script 3 weeks from now. CVS here in NC will NOT special order ACTAVIS (TEVA) Percocet 10/325 knowing that it is the one generic I do NOT get adverse reactions to This practice of profit before patient is unethical, and cruel and I plan to write letters to each Company and Big Pharma as well...they also are allowed by law (FDA) to make the compound prescription with 20% less or more of main pain relieving ingredients...and of course its obvious they go the shorter route and give us 20% LESS so the meds are less effective...as a nurse I am appalled by this insane law and as a severe pain sufferer for 41 years, I am completely beyond any words. My dog gets adequate pain relief to his hips but I am allowed to suffer and expected to due to generic switching and no real concerns for human suffering by consumers. If we boycott these pharmacies and drug companies they wont have customers buying their products and soon it will hit the books...I'm all for that...how about you all? Sick of this patient abuse!

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Anybody experienced weak, horrible, minimum pain relief from Rhodes pharmaceutical oxycodone 15 mg ir?

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This happens often in the medication wold. Some company produces the best brand, year later someone changes it, pharmacies say they are cheaper and you have no choice. Unreal the advancements in this world, compounding medicine, just changing one ingredient, slight changes can be seen by consistent users, who have taken then fire years and been through this process numerous times. Also, you will notice changes like having the sweats, sick feeling, nausea and yes this cab cause problems with complexion.
Any foreign substance we put in our bodies will have an effect, one way or another. Just saying.

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Hi Susan,

According to NIH, "severe stomach pain" is listed as a side effect of Acetaminophen; whereas they recommend contacting your doctor immediately. [Note: nausea and vomiting are also on the same list] - Just mentioning this in case it's attributing to your "sick to the stomach" feeling...

As far as the neck & jaw pain is concerned, I haven't found any specific details suggesting that it's related to oxycodone or acetaminophen - but my opinion is if you haven't had this issue before starting treatment, then it may very well be from either the active and/or inactive ingredients.

Based off this information I would strongly encourage you to get in touch with your prescribing doctor and maybe see about getting a different manufacturer's version of Percocet; or even a different medication altogether.

I hope you've gotten around to feeling better since you last posted!

Editor's note: Supplemental details added below:

Rhodes Pharmaceuticals Generic Percocet:

Inactive Ingredients:

- Silicon Dioxide
- Magnesium Stearate
- Povidone K30
- Crospovidone
- Corn Starch
- Stearic Acid
- Water


Round White Pills

Oxycodone/Acetaminophen 5/325:
NDC 42858-102
Imprint: R | P one side, 5 over 325 other side

Oxycodone/Acetaminophen 7.5/325:
NDC 42858-103
Imprint: R | P one side, 7.5 over 325 other side

Oxycodone/Acetaminophen 10/325:
NDC 42858-104
Imprint: R | P one side, 10 over 325 other side

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Neck and jaw pain can be an indication of serious heart problems. Please do not ignore these symptoms.

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