Rhodes Pharmaceuticals Adderall (Page 3)
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I've tried and used Teva/Barr, Lannett, Core pharma, AURO (worst imo), and now just got Rhodes. Not sure if Rhodes is making me spacey, sleepy, anxious and low energy, bloated, headache. All are often indications that the active ingredients are meh.

There are so many manufacturers out nowadays, it's a revolving door and it's adding to the already difficult challenges many people have experienced since the pandemic. Lordy.

Rhodes? Anyone?

71 Replies (4 Pages)

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Re: retrovirus (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

Literally nothing. I'm stuck for a month with garbage that will be tossed.

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Re: Alacat (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

Lmao and I thought it was because I was drinking La Croix that I'm actively belching.

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Re: Optimistic (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

Literally this. One time I took my 10 mg IR and the filler made me so itchy I had to take antihistamines. The next batch I felt completely fine.

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Re: Rcma (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Absolutely! 100% this. It should be illegal to make generic garbage that makes me sick to my stomach and gives me major brain fart.

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Re: retrovirus (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Um no because I've never had this experience with any other generic. I mean, there is a literal difference between being focused and feeling sedated like I do. This is even after eating. At least with Epiphany, I did not experience any symptoms of lightheadedness, blurry double vision, chills , lack of motivation to do anything except write- I'm meh. Literally unproductive and lazy.

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Re: SusanMichelle (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I have a WHOLE month left. And Walmart refuses to fill a new generic until November 3rd. I should have stuck with them and not switched to Publix because I needed to have my 20 mg's. Such a colossal waste of time.

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Re: Rcma (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I told my doctor that it is nothing like Teva or Shire. Walmart is partnered with s***ty generic companies like Epic Pharma, more like Epic Fail. I feel more cleverer there's at least that.

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Re: Rcma (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Yup, I'm clear headed but I'm absolutely normal. Maybe it's working? But it does seem like a sugar poll, doesn't it? My head is not as foggy but it leaves a lot to be desired that's for sure.

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Re: Kris (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Ditto on that. And the f***ed up part is I told my doctor what it does to me and she has not written a new script with a better generic. I'm telling you it feels like taking low grade allergy medicine.

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On another thread n"Adderall on backorder" people generally have wildly different experiences on different manufacturers...

Overall most...
Prefer Teva
Are ok with Lannett, Sandoz
Hate Prasco, Auro, Rhodes, Camber, Mallinkrodt

People are pretty universally dissatisfied, frustrated, angry, upset, fearful etc... The meds situation sucks but I ALSO am starting to think that ADHD people are just exhausted, dismayed and rundown from years of constant adaptation, gaslighting, domestic and geopolitical unrest. Look the meds May suck and the shortage definitely sucks but I don't think one can ignore that expecting a 30 mg pill to have the effect it did 7 years ago is perhaps like asking a garden hose to be enough for a house fire. Articles and studies abound that Americans are burned out, angry,. exhausted and mentally fatigued. Life in the US has.been 10x more difficult for a while....a Global Pandemic, etc

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Re: Jane D (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

How in the world you're linking s***ty Adderall from Rhodes Pharma (subsidiary of Purdue Pharma!) to the current administration is beyond me.... This type of scapegoating EVERYTHING U SATISFACTORY on the Executive Branch lacks common sense considering that Congress appropriates $ and makes laws; has oversight control; and the Judicial Branch decides class action suits against DRUG companies that violate FDA. In fact ANY administration has a fraction to do with FDA regulations and Corporate decisions (the admin can only dictate production with the Defense Production Act in a national security emergency). Then, to call people a******* after making such an ignorant, uneducated statement is laughable. I don't go on this forum to read radicalized political whining. Keep it to the meds and stop showing off your misplaced anger and utter ignorance.

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Re: Possum (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

I received Rhodes 20mg IR this month and it is 100% trash. Absolutely no therapeutic benefits. No side effects. NOTHING. Another month of Hell. Don't kid yourself & think the FDA cares or will take action. People have been reporting all the issues with generic Adderall for several years now. A life-long friend actually failed his drug panel because his 30mg IR didn't even show in his system. Pockets are being lined by Big Pharma. Anyone who thinks the current administration cares about US citizens or people for that matter is an ******.

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Re: Kris (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

This is me! I thought I was going crazy. I am having terrible angry outbursts. I have been so great the last two months on the Epic Pharma meds. I have been reading there are differences between generics. I am calling the doctor tomorrow. I heard that there is also a brand that has no dyes, I would rather take that if possible. Thanks for making me feel less crazy.

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Re: retrovirus (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I don’t believe this 100%. My pharmacy switched generics in April and I had the worse end of school experience. They went from Prasco to Lannett and it did nothing for me so I stopped taking anything over the summer. School started up so I tried it again. Nope! Headache, constant hunger it was ridiculous! I found an old Rhodes capsule in my fall purse. Took that today and felt NORMAL.

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Re: Kris (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

That’s me on Lannett!!! I stopped taking it b/c it made me feel worse.
I just found an old Rhodes XR and popped that baby today and WOW!! Back to the best I can be. Generics are a scary thing. I wonder if they are making them cheaper and putting crappy inert material in them.

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you guys definitely have a point.. well what can we do about it ?

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I just started back on ADHD meds after a 2 year hiatus. Starting on a very low dose. Last month there where some nice moments of Aha, I think this might be helping. It was manufactured by Teva.
The refill by a different manufacturer, Rhodes, is a different story. Instead of a "sugar pill" it feels like a salt pill. The inside of my bottom lip and the tip of my tongue feel like I've been munching on roasted salted almonds for days, making my mouth feel irritated and sore. I look bloated and I've been belching a lot. Sure, these physical changes could be due to some other issue, but the benefit of this Adderall IR 10mg manufactured by Rhodes is nill at best.

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Re: retrovirus (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

No this isn’t true, I’m taking this medication on and off for years and if one day it’s fine and then the next fill you get a different kind and it is not that’s not tolerance. It’s bad medication.

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Re: Rcma (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

It’s actually 20% difference allowed, from generic to name brand. So one can be 20% weaker and one 20% stronger than name brand, which makes a huge difference generic to generic.

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Re: retrovirus (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

If tolerance is the main reason for Rx not working like it used to, why would it work again, like it used to, when you're able to obtain a different brand?

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