Rhodes Pharmaceuticals Adderall (Page 3)


I've tried and used Teva/Barr, Lannett, Core pharma, AURO (worst imo), and now just got Rhodes. Not sure if Rhodes is making me spacey, sleepy, anxious and low energy, bloated, headache. All are often indications that the active ingredients are meh.

There are so many manufacturers out nowadays, it's a revolving door and it's adding to the already difficult challenges many people have experienced since the pandemic. Lordy.

Rhodes? Anyone?

71 Replies (4 Pages)

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Rhodes is the worst, but it's the only generic my pharmacy was able to acquire this month. I have to take 30 mg instead of 20 to get any effect at all, but the brain fog persists.

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Re: retrovirus (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Everyone in this room is now dumber because of having heard what you just said

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Re: Optimistic (# 39) Expand Referenced Message

I've filled out three over the past two years. I've seen many others reporting to FDA. Nothing has been done. I don't believe anything will be done unfortunately.

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Been taking Adderall for 15 years. I’ve never used a brand that didn’t work at all until now. Which is Rhodes. Absolute garbage. The only thing it gives is me is a bad headache and dry mouth. It helps in no way whatsoever. Walgreens uses Rhodes now, but CVS doesn’t they mainly order from Teva unless Teva is on back oder then a few other brands but not Rhodes. Might just be for my area in Alabama. Is there anyway to make a complaint about this crap medication other than to the pharmacy? Waste of money and doctors visits just to pay for a headache.

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Yes I have tried Rhodes mfg generic Adderall. It was a truly horrible experience my face swelled and I felt like I was in a trance. I have only been on Sandoz and Teva, I will never use a generic adderall by Rhoads again.

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Re: Kris (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Same, took it for a month and it was a nightmare. Will never take again even if it is all that's available.

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Re: Rcma (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

All medications affect all people differently, period. So, in essence, you are comparing apples to oranges. Also, you may be one of the people that particular medication works for.You will never know until you try it.

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All I'm gonna say is please for the love of all that is holy STAY AWAY FROM RHODES ADDERALL. This brand is TRASH. No ability to focus, spaced out, heart thumping extremely hard, splitting headache. I don't care if the Adderall side effects are potentially those. I've been on other brands of Adderall many times and they all perform differently. One the good brands none of these side effects are present. Just do yourself a favor and don't risk getting this GARBAGE brand of Adderall. Or any medication they make for that matter.

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It scared me to see so many negative comments - I imagine people who it does work for don’t come to comment often but it’s always helpful to see both sides…

It works GREAT for me. 30mg XR and so far my second favorite after Teva. It’s strong. Not as smooth as others like I do feel kinda funky, but I’m only on day 2 and I seem to go through adjustments every time I get a new generic anyway. But the actual effectiveness is amazing. Don’t be scared off by reviews… these things all work different for everyone.

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Re: Liz (# 49) Expand Referenced Message

XR and IR are apples and oranges. Possible that their XR is a better product because XR CAPS don't have binders like tabs. Glad it's working :)

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Re: Rcma (# 50) Expand Referenced Message

I'm on Rhodes Adderall XR 20mg for the first time this month due to the ongoing shortage. This stuff is crap. I was wondering what's been wrong with me that my productivity has tanked in the past 2 weeks with fatigue and brain fog. I contemplated having my doc up my dosage because I feel like my dosage was cut in half all of a sudden. Then a lightbulb went off, and I researched Rhodes manufactured Adderall online. The interwebs are rife with commentary that Rhodes's product is subpar and not effective. At least I know now that I'm not going crazy and that I don't also need an increase in meds. I may just pay full price for branded Adderall XR if the shortage persists - while it's pricey as hell, I've lost at least the difference in cost in productivity and mental health issues... LOL

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Re: Swagcat (# 48) Expand Referenced Message

Report them to the FDA I just did. Medwatch. Horrible. I’ve only taken for 10 days and wow- might as well not even take it. Not worth having a day ruined.

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I recently got Rhodes for my generic Adderall 20 mg XR for the first time and it makes me extremely nauseous. I’ve never had a generic make me this nauseous before! I hate it.

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Re: retrovirus (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Wrong wrong wrong. Don't tell us we're used to the drug or built a tolerance. I had the same reaction to rhodes adderall. I have been on the teva brand for 9 yrs now and when I take it I feel "normal". One time I was given Lannett brand.... I broke out in hives and a rash all on my upper body. Their medication made me irritable angry almost violent plus a constant headache that would not go away. SO NO MR. I KNOW IT ALL.... ITS NOT IN OUR HEAD, WE'RE NOT CRAZY OR ABUSING OUR MEDICATION. ITS THAT THEY ARE ALL DIFFERENT AND EFFECT PPL DIFFERENTLY.

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Re: Kris (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I have never in all of my years being treated for ADHD with Adderall felt as I am now taking RHODES Adderall 30XR! This medication is by far the ABSOLUTE WORSE! I have had a constant stomach ache, diarrhea, body ache, nausea, mood swings, and bouts of irritability! CANNOT stay awake or focus! I have taken Sandoz for months and been just fine! I can’t wait until I speak with my provider! This has been the worst!

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Re: Mika (# 55) Expand Referenced Message

Please report this directly to the FDA!

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This is the worst medication I have ever taken. At least someone got rich while my entire life is crumbling down around me.

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Re: retrovirus (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

When people have these issues from first time they take a different generic. Pretty simple. Especially when back on their regular generic at same dose and it is fine. If you have not experienced this, you have absolutely no idea.

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Re: ImADD77 (# 54) Expand Referenced Message

Ditto. Rhodes Adderall is not what it says. I don't know what the f*** it is but it isn't Adderall. Should be outlawed!! And the pharmacies know this. My pharmacy is cool, I explained it to them and now I have Global as the manufacturer and it's ok. Weak, but at least there's something real in it. No nausea either like Rhodes fake stuff. Rhodes is a Chinese manufacturer, go figure. I filled out the complaint form from the FDA. EVERYONE should.

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Re: Jazz (# 52) Expand Referenced Message

I did too. Same story. Exactly!

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