Restarting Belviq
UpdatedI used to weigh 285 lbs. With the Belviq I lost an amazing 55 lbs. over a period of 9 months. I have since tapered off so my doctor took me off of it. If I'm off it for about 4-6 weeks will the weight loss pick up again as though I started it for the first time? My first month of taking it was May 1, 2014. Within that month I lost 20 lbs. My goal is to get down to at least 155 or lower. I'm a big boned girl so that size would be ok with me. If I lose more than that.....GREAT! I ended up gaining all of my weight from the medication Depakote. By the time I was done with the Depakote I weighed a whopping 324. I was so depressed and hated leaving my house. I thought I would always be alone and overweight. I've had surgery after surgery for various things and haven't really been able to exercise. The best I get to do is walk, but whatever helps right? The time I felt my best after all of this is when on the Belviq. I just want to know if I would have continued success if I get back on it again?
3 Replies
Yes - It should help with your weigh loss journey.
There is no reason to think that it would not work the same the second time around.
First off, I just want to say congratulations on losing 55 lbs! That's quite a feat you accomplished! I also agree with the other two comments in that there's "absolutely no reason at all" for me to believe that the subsequent use of Belviq won't work for you, based on your historical success with its use. Don't let criticism or self sabotage get the best of you while you're on your weight loss journey, as we are often thought to be our own greatest enemy in our minds. However, I believe you can continue experiencing success on or off Belviq depending on how bad you want to reach your goals. And just remember that any step forward is a stepping stone to the next level of the type of person you desire to become. Sometimes it's even easier to start with small steps that one can continuously build on over a life time rather than having short term satisfaction... I've taken the short term route in the past only to lose a year of hard earned progress after a month "vacation" from exercise and eating right, simply by not having any foundation to fall back on from a mental standpoint (i.e. being depressed and not having a motivational reason to continue striving for the physique I wanted). Years later though, I began developing a better understanding of how I operate/function, mentally, physically, and spiritually to where I can now feel good about who I am regardless of how quickly I'm making progress. I don't mean to write such a long post here, but just wanted to try and convey a message of hope in so far as how we can be our own best advocate working for or against our greatest self-interests. Only when we truly understand what we're striving for and why we are doing what we are doing from the heart's perspective, will we be able to sit comfortably in light or darkness (when it comes to weight loss or any other ventures for that matter). I wish you much success in your journey!
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