Renova Forums
Recently active Renova forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Renova and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.Renova Tretinoin was revised in 1998, to include patent 4877805. This patent involved numerous retinoids to be added to the formulation. These retinoids included isotretinoin (Accutane), Etretinate (banned 1998 the same year this cream was revised to include a banned drug), TTNPB (engineered hepatitis B virus), Acitretin (turns to Etretinate was in the body) and other retinoids not listed could have been used per Kligman stating this in patent 4877805. These agents were research chemo therapy agents that proved to toxic. Phosphorous is used with these products and is listed as a poison as well as retinoids are listed as a poison. Pharmacopeia states on Tretinoin, isotretinoin, Etretinate and other retinoids that they are research only and not to be used in humans. It lists known adverse...
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