Remune Forums
Recently active Remune forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Remune and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.When will Remune be available i need this vaccine desperately? Why has this not been approved yet i am sick from taking the drugs i vomit daily :( ## The developer is actually now working on a different medication that combines Remind with something else. It has not been presented yet, for FDA approval. And it is not a vaccine, nor a cure, if it does pass evaluations and get approved, it will only be another treatment therapy. I am sorry that the medications make you so ill. Do you take anything for the nausea? ## There is nothing worse than the miserable side-effects associated with toxic drugs. A therapeutic vaccine such as Remune would help dramatically. ## I just read about the Remune news finally being submitted for approval. How long does it take before the FDA will approve this v...