Remeron And Urine Tox Screen (Page 2)
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Recent urine tox screen in ER was positive for benzodiazepines even though I had not taken anything other than cough medicine with codeine, Lexapro and Remeron. Can the Remeron show up as a benzodiazepine?

36 Replies (2 Pages)

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Can Remeron show up as a false positive for cocaine?

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I have been taking rimaron for two months now and I have to take drug test 3 times a week, and it comes up posative for benzos everytime

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My wife took a test and it came back as a benzo on the test she hasn't been taking any type of meds they sent it away and it has come back as a false positive. So yes it does.

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I have been suboxen for two months now all my drugs screens came up neg until three weeks ago when I started takeibg it since then I have failed for benzos. So yes it will make you fail a d ug test and it will skso make you failvfir opana

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If I take Remeron daily and I did coke 2 weeks b4 I did urine test would I fail?

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I took one of my brothers mirtazapine 15mg to help me sleep on Sunday. Today is Thursday and I took pee test for new job. Will it show up. Also I take percoset and flexeril but these are prescribed by doctor...

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These WILL NOT ... CANNOT. show up as a benzo!!! is NOT a narcotic!!..whoever tells u it will is lying!!..I REPEAT...IT WILL NOT BE THE CAUSE FOR A BENZO RESULT!!!

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I'm in drug court in south Florida. I tested positive for ectasy on Tarazadone so my doctor had me switch to mirtazapine and now I'm urine testing positive for benzos. I did a blood test that showed negative but the judge didn't want to hear that. This is really screwing me up!

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Definitely shows up ad false positive. I went through a year of hassles with this problem. Making me fed up and go off my remeron which was a terrible mistake as my depression became so bad I tried suicide twice. Yeah just goes to show med prof don't know everything. Although some think they do.

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Yes,,it definately shows up for benzos.I was furious when I failed a drug test because of this.Ive never ever taken drugs in my life.The labels on this med needs to state it will give a false positive.

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hello. I just started this med and I was on xanes and abiem and the doc made me stop. Bc my drug test had benzo in worried about this med.the remeron med. He wants my next test clean.

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me too!!! had a drugs test today and they thought I was lying to them because I tested positive for benzo's. glad I found out the real cause or this would have carried on for who knows how long.

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yes,i dont care what anyone says it will cause a false positive!i just got back from taking a drug screen and failed for benzos and while searching the internet for anything that will make sense of this,i found this does cause you to fail for benzo.

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i also take remeron (mirtazapine) and have had positives for benzodiazipines what is going on?

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I also take mirtazapine and have been getting false positives for benzodiazipines in my system has anybody else experienced this problem. Does anybody have a explanation or reply that would help me out. thanks. C

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Remeron contains the active ingredient Mirtazapine, it is an antidepressant.

That said, no, it should not show up as a Benzodiazepine.

There have, however, been a lot of posts recently about these tests coming up with false positives, which makes me thing there is a bad batch out there.

Have you talked to your doctor about this?

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