Rem Cough Syrup
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Info on a cough syrup called REM.It was manufactured, I believe by Maryland Pharmaceutical around the 1940's. I think it had a blue bottle with a orange circle with the name REM printed on it

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Found it, it had Chloroform in it, not paregoric, plus a lot of other questionable ingredients.

Google it, there is a photo of a bottle fro Dale on Etsy.

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I’m pretty sure the old version also had laudanum (tincture of opium), also known as paragoric.

This brand took out the opium component, and sold for a number of years after that.

Link to REM cough medicine information:

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Re: John H (# 36) Expand Referenced Message


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Re: Anthony (# 32) Expand Referenced Message

Yes so did we as kids lol

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Re: John H (# 36) Expand Referenced Message

I totally remember these. Ate them like candy lol

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Re: John H (# 36) Expand Referenced Message

I remember the REM cough syrup I remember it tastes pretty good and I found a malt beverage that tastes just like it and it's called Malta Goya it's in a dark brown bottle I'm drinking it right now??

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Description of bottle ok. Worked but tastes terrible.

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In the 60's, my parents used to have a long, rectangular, dark navy blue, REM branded, cardboard box full of boxes of REM cough drops. They came in a flat, rectangular box like chiclets, only thicker. 10 or 12 to a box I think. I remember them being kind of chewy as I never had the patience to suck on them because I ate them like candy. They had REM in raised letters on each dark cherry colored, round lozenge. My parents never said a word about me taking them from their closet and they never ran out, even though I ate them ALL OF THE TIME! They probably had some ingredient in them that parents liked the effects of on their kids. I'm 62 now and wish I had a thousand boxes! I wonder what those "beneficial" ingredients were and why such an effective "medicine" is no longer around. Does anyone else remember REM cough drops?

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Re: Karen (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

I'm a historian whose mother took REM growing up and I'd like a copy of the memoir too, please.

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Yes! I do remember REM cough syrup! The large round logo. I recall that it was really dark almost a black liquid, didn't taste too bad either. They even had an ad on TV and a song with the closing line "R- E- M remember Rem"

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Yes I remember Rem. Took it as child in late 40's early 50's. I think it tasted like licorice.

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I remember REM was dark brown, and my sister, brothers and I loved its taste. We use to drink it just for the taste.

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I remember REM was dark brown, and my sister, brothers and I looked the taste OG it. We use to drink it just for the wonderful taste.

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Re: mike (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I akways remembere REM as grandmas favorite elixr to give me when I was sick with a terriblw cough May hav had,a high alcohol content and maybe some ptger rginhs like belpa donna or codene All I remember is that it felt good goung down had a,gingery flavor thivk brown syrup !!

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I remember my mother gave us Rem when we were kids. It worked great.

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I took R.E.M. Many times as a child in the 50's. It contained alcohol and chloroform but had a better taste than Cheracol which I think contained charcoal as it tasted like it!

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Rem was the last OTC cough syrup in the USA to contain codeine. Under pressure from doctors and pharmaceutical companies, seeking scripts from expensive physician visits just to get simple cough relief, in conjunction with control freak social do-gooders, it was banned under the Reagan Administration in 1982. Just say NO!

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Hello, yes I remember Tem. It was good stuff for coughing. They went out of business late 1960

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That study hall must have been a hoot , lol. Did they provide any live entertainment or just a typical supervision lol loved your answer ;)

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I used R.E.M. COUGH MEDICINE BY POURING IT OUT AND REFILLING THE BOTTLE WITH SLOE GIN AND taking it to study hall in high school. 1964

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