Relpax Forums
Recently active Relpax forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Relpax and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.for migraine headaches ## I suffered from migraine headaches for many years and the only prescription medicine that worked for me was Relpax 40mg. Ask your doctor if you can take this pill. It's very expensive and there's no generic equivalent. If you don't have health insurance expect to pay about $30.00 per pill. I have Blue Cross Blue Shield and after my co-pay I pay about $3.00 per pill. But trust me. it works! I have recently started on Ginkgo biloba 120mg and Omega 3 fish oil 1000mg, one of each twice a day. I've taken this combination for about 6 months and so far no migraines. I got this remedy from an old migraine sufferer and at first I did not think it was going to help, but so far so good. I do keep a supply of Relpax handy just in case but they are getting o...