Relent Syrup (Top voted first)


My 8 year old son's throat is hurting. Is Relent effective for throat infections or a dry cough?

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My son is 3.2 yers old. he suffers from fever(100.1 or 2)and cough everytime during the change of wether.and some sound of congestion from his heart.what should i do now? Plese give me advice?

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My daughter is having running nose and dry cough for the past one week. We took her to a doctor who suggested "Relent" syrup and "Zyprox" as she had throat infection. However, this is not much of a relief for her. Is there any medicine/syrup that need to be given for her running nose.


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relent syrup how much we have to give 9 yr girls, let me know plz

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My baby name is ayaan he is 1.5 yr old he having sinus and cough from last I took aerodil syrup..aerodil is good for sinus r nt.....

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you can gve ur daughter T-MINIC COUGH SYRUP

You can also give ZYR COLD COUGH SYRUP

this is a cure remedy as i am giving for my kid now

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What has your child's doctor advised?

Relent Syrup contains Cetirizine and Ambroxol, it will not treat a throat infection and may be limited in what it will do for a cough.

It's generally most effective at treating allergies.



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My doughter suffering diebities type1 can I give relent syrup in cold & cough

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Relent will be effectuve against allergy disease and will effective for running nose but for it otrivin p drop will most effective

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My son is 4 years old he is suffering from cold and cough from past 3 day, he couldn't able to sleep at night, So please suggest me some medicine
I am using CHESTON for cough.

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My daughter is 5 years old and suffering with cold running nose and little cough
Can I give relent syrup for my daughter

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Can you please tell me dosage of zyrcold syrup for my son who is 41/2 years old weight about 15.4 kg.

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My son is 13 months old and he has cold every 8 days. Please suggest whether Relent+ can be administered or not?

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My 4 year old child weighs 14 kg. How much Relent Syrup is safe for my child and how long should it be taken for? Please help.

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My 10 month old baby boy is suffering with a cold n cough. The doctor prescribed Relent+ syrup to my baby (2.5mL/mg at night). Is this ok for my baby or could it cause any dangers?

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My 9 month old baby has had water coming from one eye. Doc has suggested to give Relent Syrup for 10 days. Will this help?

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my son is 6 yrs old. he is suffering from mild cough with cold, but not running nose.
I used relent 5ml and macbery 5ml. but not yet cured. What shall I use?

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