Regestrone Tablets
UpdatedWhat if a man takes 2 5mg tabs for Regestrone by mistake?
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My child of 10 yrs had taken regestrone by mistake..what all wll be its side effects
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my age is 41 years.i m having fibroid uterus ultrasound diagnosed for the last 5 months...& i m taking regestron 2 t...
Is Regesterone tab. responsible for miscarriage? ## I am having painful mensuration so doctor has advised me 2 take rege...
As i dont have the knowledge of the pill would you please tell me the main use of regestrone? ## REgestrone contains Nor...
My wife has been advised to take regestrone 5 mg for 5 days from 18/2, her period is due on 23/02. We are married since ...
Can i use regestrone tablet (one a day) to postpone my periods for about 10 days? Please let me know. ## There is really...
Hi all, I'm suffering from irregular periods. I had a skip in my cycles for 2 months so i was advised to take Regest...
i am 22 yr old girl....unmarried.....i was having irregular doctor advised me to take regestrone 5mg tab......
hi i am taing eltroxine past 2 yaears for thyroid? but even now my periods are irregular? so i am taking regestrone ever...
I missed my periods my doctor prescribed me regestrone tab for 3 days 2 times a day after conferming pregnancy test nega...
i had unprotected sex..i used an i-pill within 12hr and withn nxt hr a regestrone 5mg tablet 4 four days.. r dere any ch...