Regarding Delay Of Period (Top voted first)


I have not got my period for 50 days. So doctor suggested to take regesterone 5mg for 5 days(morning and night) after taking for 5 days also I have not yet got my periods. Its going to be 2 months.

2 Replies

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Are you on birth control? are you sure you are not pregnant? Do you have a disease or disorder? Are you just starting your periods or are you near menopause?

Has your doctor tested you for anything? I find it very strange he just put you on this medication to start your period without knowing why it stopped. People don't get headaches because they don't have enough aspirin in the body, too often doctors treat the symptoms without figuring out what is causing the "dis-ease" in the first place.

My periods started running late, then skipped a month or two, then stopped. (I'm 36) I went and had fasting bloodwork done , it turned out i had hypothyroid. I needed medication right away, I was very sick.

Whatever stopped your period, you need to find out why, it can be many things. Have your doctor do a full bloodwork done, i did the fasting one, have them test for every possible thing, If this doctor won't, go to someone else. Sometimes doctors are too busy or lazy, it took a nurse practitioner to finally order my bloodwork, the doctors just wanted to give me prozac! Good luck!

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Maari po b buntis ako kz 1 month n ko delay pero d ko regular,,at maari dn ba mabuntis kht ung lalaki lng nilabasan

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